PacRom question


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I am thinking about a new SMC card, but if I have 2 SMCs, and I have goto last item selected/checked/yesed when I put a new SMC in that dosen't have that item, what will PacRom do? Does it write to SMC so each SMC has a diffrent last item selected, or does it write to the FW thingy and will give a big fat error/just boot up into fliemanager nothing slected?

A) Each SMC has a diffrent last item B) Will give a big fat error C) will boot normaly w/o selecting anything

This was copied from IRC where noone can answer it, so it might look a bit strange here.
I've got a feeling it'll boot normally but not go to last selected; just start in the file manager. That said, I haven't tried it.
Tobriand posted on May 25 2003 said:
I've got a feeling it'll boot normally but not go to last selected; just start in the file manager. That said, I haven't tried it.
Finnaly someone on IRC answered it, and you were right :)
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