New Gp32 Owners Read This


Still Fresh
Jul 31, 2004
Well, after getting our new BLU units, we installed the software and could get NONE of them to connect to any different type of PCs (6 or so PCs tried with various OS's ranging from 98 to XP Pro).

The solution is quite simple, and we have seen reports of the exact same problem, so we would like to save you the frustration of what we went through...

First, get the updated USB driver... that works with Win2K/XP. The original driver worked only with Win98/ME.

Second, the documentation is in really bad English and leaves out a very important detail... formatting the SMC *with* the GP32. If you do not have the proper directories, you will not even be able to connect to the unit without an immediate error when attempting to transfer or install. The unit checks for the presence of the GPMM directory before allowing transfers.

If you can connect at all (proper USB installation), you can run the GPManager and click on the SMC icon. You should be able to see all of the directories. If you don't, select the FORMAT SMC from the pull down menu and format the SMC card.

Now the interesting part... we have found that SOME brands of SMC cards will NOT work with the GP32. We had a bunch of 64MB cards (Sandsdisk) that we had laying around from another project and these will not format/read/write in the GP32, yet will format/read/write just fine in any USB reader. This drove us nuts because instead of the GP32 or GPManager reporting a formatting error (or some other message that would let us know what the real problem is), either a "communication error" or "GP32 connection" error is reported! This made us think there was a USB problem.

We hope this helps someone else out there! We look forward to developing some utiltities for this neat little machine.

EDIT: One more tidbit that we learned... once formatting and installing software on the GP32, if you pull that SMC and put it into a card reader under Windows 98SE, it corrupts the card and you have to start all over again. This does not occur under any other version of Windows that we have tried.
Sorry to hear about your recent woes, but glad to hear that you soted them OK :)
Cool to have a new developer on board...any clues as to what you plan to make?

If anyone's looking for SMCs that work with the GP32, I can recommend the viking 128Mb cards. You can buy them for £17.62 inc. shipping from Ebuyer.
must be some problems with those specific SMC's or something, because the only two manufacturers making SMC's are Sandisk and Samsung, and somehow i REALLY doubt Gamepark forgot to test one of them :P
We bought 128MB "Pony" brand and they all work just fine.

We are not sure yet what we will develop. We have developed Atari 400/800 emulation, Sega Genesis emulation, Apple ][/+ emulation, and Macintosh emulations in the past. We will probably port the Apple emulation first to get the hang of this device.

Does anyone know of stand alone assembler package for the GP32? We know about Code Warrior, and we have used it for our Mac projects, but would like something a little more specifically geared to this platform if possible.
Vimacs posted on Jul 31 2004 at 05:29 PM said:
that smc thing cant be true, or you have some kinda old 5v smcs.
This is what I was thinking, and many people (Okay 1 other) on #gp32.
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GP32Developer posted on Jul 31 2004 at 05:06 PM said:
Now the interesting part... we have found that SOME brands of SMC cards will NOT work with the GP32. We had a bunch of 64MB cards (Sandsdisk) that we had laying around from another project and these will not format/read/write in the GP32, yet will format/read/write just fine in any USB reader. This drove us nuts because instead of the GP32 or GPManager reporting a formatting error (or some other message that would let us know what the real problem is), either a "communication error" or "GP32 connection" error is reported! This made us think there was a USB problem.
i hope you know that the gp32 only can handle 3.3V cards. not cards with higher required voltage.
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may i suggest you to save any more trouble with GPManager and use whether 1) phodrive or 2) a smc card writer/reader (costed me about 10€).
they both normally dont show any problems and are damn fast in writing and reading.
also, mr mirkos sdk is really great, try it out if you havent yet ^^
if i were you guys i would try GpDrive its a file for your gp32 you install it an when you hook it up to your usb port it detects it as a drive and u drag and drop things

Save Link as In Mozilla or Save Target as In IE

Squidge did a great job on it
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We developed more than 60 commercial products for the C64, more than 25 for the Amiga, and a handful for the Mac and PowerMac.

The most successful product that we developed was FUSION, a Macintosh emulator for the PC, released by Microcode Solutions.
Make same thing really ground braking that beats the zodiac and gizmondo with a metal pole. then when the gp32 2 comes out make some stuff which beats the PSP round the head with a pole but be gentle with the DS.

SuperCard Ami II, EMPLANT (Mac emulation, x86 emulation, Apple ][/+ emulation, Atari 400/800 emulation), MacLite, SYBIL, boot ROM selector, track display, Mac disk drive interface, etc. etc.