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May 4, 2003
Sheffield, England
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As i have seen that Cragix is testing his gp32 for overclocking I was wondering who here can overclock. What ever batteries i use my gp32 just freezes the moment i try to run at a speed over 133mhz :( :( :( am i the only person who has a gp32 that cant over clock :( :( :( ????
I've only really tried GPEngine, but I can overclock without any problems to 156mhz soon as i select 166mhz GP32 just freezes, Im using PSU not batteries if that makes any difference, Anyones GP32 run GPEngine at 166 ??
I haven't gotten my over 132mhz..
Could have something to do with batteries etc.

Mine doesn't either, Unlucky.

I returned my first one because it didn't overclock but the replacement didn't either and I ended up keeping it.

Finger crossed the test GP32 burns up, eh?!!
maybe if you increase the Voltage on the GP32 PSU to 4.5 instead of 3 volts it may run more stable, like how you do it with pc CPU's, just a thought, Im far to chicken to try it myself though :P
Dont be silly if you over clock your gp32 it will fry :o and you dont want that there are only a few gp32s that have the ability to overclock with out frying :blink:
i can get up to 156 I think with out it crashing but I don't regularly run anything higher than 133. The only emulators that run higher than that currently are a version of scumm, the neo geo pocket emu, amd gpengine.
Eh, i can o/c gpcinema at 166mhz fine with my recharable batteries, but i didnt want to run at that speed for a long time, soo after a minute, i took it down to 133mhz.

the thing that pissed me off is that one video still studders, even on 166mhz. =(
johnno15 posted on Aug 6 2003 said:
Dont be silly if you over clock your gp32 it will fry :o and you dont want that there are only a few gp32s that have the ability to overclock with out frying :blink:
If you actually take a look at craig's experiment with the GP32 you'll find that the GP32 has no temp. rise up to 166Mhz, and that was over 48hrs non stop. This just about proves that it's fairly safe, the only thing that is preventing it from being any use is that due to ever so slight differences in manufacturing, not every GP32 can reach 166Mhz.

Mine reaches 156 and runs no problem but 166 just freezes straight away. And thats with batteries, I've never used a PSu on my GP32 before.
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