Overclocking GPU/RAM: Let's get the facts :)

The new version of System Info shows the RAM speed in the CPU panel (right below the CPU speed). You can also change it from within System Info by pressing Fn+","/"." (hold L1 to change it in 10MHz steps and R1 to change it in 100MHz steps). There is a default max RAM speed in System Info which is 180 or 220 MHz (system bus speed of 360 or 440 MHz), depending on your Pandora model, to avoid crashes caused by overclocking too much - there is no such limit imposed by the script (unlike the CPU speed script), so I added a safety bound directly in System Info. If you're feeling adventurous, you can change the max system bus overclock speed by changing the corresponding line in appdata/sysinfo/settings.cfg.
I haven't downloaded the new release yet, but just to be sure, on CC& Rebirth, The GpuSpeed = SysSpeed / 3. and on GHz, it's GpuSpeed = SysSpeed / 2.

The "2 " divider exists only in GHz, using new OMAP, the CC & Rebirth can only have "3".

So for CC & Rebirth, max GPU speed will be 360/3=120 MHz.
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Are you sure? I think you're talking about the GPU speed. The way I understood things (and how I show it in sysinfo) is that RAM speed is always sys speed divided by two. I don't show the GPU speed, but that one is sys speed divided by three in the CC/ReBirth units and divided by two in the 1GHz units.
Pandora Crude Bench 
PCB Score 2255 (17 / 83 / 71 )

so far, will try pushing it further soon.