Overclock Osnes9x To 200 Mhz

Aug 10, 2004
Hey is it useful to manually overclock Osnes9x 0.3 manually to 200 Mhz because my GP32 can go up to that! Because I heard that beyond 166 Mhz it's worthless to overclock any further(I don't know if this is true or not). And if it's useful, can someone send me a link of the tutorial of how to do this. This could help getting more speed from Osnes9x since my GP32 can go higher that 166 Mhz!!!!!!
any overclock is useful, obviously only if its worth the speed improvement otherwise you wont notice any difference in performance.. from 166 to 200 you should notice a bit easily.

Not many of us who can even get 150mhz though :(

i think somewhere on this message board someone has already compiled or hex edited one of the openSnes9X to work at 200mhz and over.. up to 250? or something, i believe :huh:
I tried to compile 0.3 with speed options up to 256MHz so I think every games could have run fullspeed with 0-1FS and maybe sound but even with ADS I wasnt able to do that...
I modified the 2 files and added speed options but the compiler report a lot of errors...

see you :lol:
I think GP32 World has a tutorial on how to hex edit the .fxe files to overclock them manually.

I have the exact link on my home pc, but I`m at the university at the moment, so look it up for yourself.
there already is an overclocked version of osnes9x, but it think was 0.2.
I also heard that some people said that overclocking further than 166mhz was useless, they said because of the ram.
Yes it might be easier to just hex edit the values and the text so that it begins at 166 and goes up, no need to recompile. Might break the auto mode though.


Ok well forget about the recompiling thing because I don't have any compilers or any coding soft to do all this stuff (to be honest it scares me :P) so well about the hex edit method found on GP32world I can' t find the CPu parameter required! Any help please!
Could somebody compile a version that can overclock to 200 MHz (or even Higher) using ver 0.3 sources, i've found a tweaked version that can go up to 200 MHz but it use the 0.2 sources...
i've been dieing for this for ages

will check it out

edit: washo could you submit the overclocking parameters that you used to get up to 256 please
thank you

edit2: i'm having the same problem on phyko_chewbacca
crap i thought it was going to work this time
i had already mentally prepaired myself for an overclocked version of osnes
in gpsnes9x.cpp:
switch (gp32_clockfreq)
case 133:
case 144:
case 156:
case 166:
case 180:
case 200:
case 220:
case 240:
case 256:


in gp32_func.cpp:
switch (gp32_clockfreq)
case 133:
GpClockSpeedChange(132000000, 0x3a011, 3);
case 144:
GpClockSpeedChange(144000000, 0x28001, 3);
case 156:
GpClockSpeedChange(156000000, 0x2c001, 3);
case 166:
GpClockSpeedChange(166000000, 0x4B011, 3);
case 180:
GpClockSpeedChange(180000000, 0x16000, 3);
case 200:
GpClockSpeedChange (200000000, 0x2A010, 3);
case 220:
GpClockSpeedChange (220000000, 0x2f010, 3);
case 240:
GpClockSpeedChange (240000000, 0x20000, 3);
case 256:
GpClockSpeedChange (256000000, 0x38010, 3);

see you :lol:
i was looking on yoyos website and it says that osnes only compiles with ARM ADS 1.2

what version did you use washo?
Wow, hope somebody can do this because I changed all the settings in the files via notepad and now I don't know how to compile it... what do I need to compile it under windows? I got cygwin but that's all, what compiler do I need and what does it require???
it's actually pretty complicated
it has c++ and asm in it
i know that you need ads
you might need something else
i'm not sure
Well for now I installed codewarrior developement suite(or somthing like it) and bloodshed Dev-C++, I pplied the ASM ARD 1.2 patch on those 2 and now i'm trying to compile Osnes9xG¨on Bloodshed's compiler but it won't work(give me errors like "file don't exist" or somwething like this). Codewarrior just won't start with the patch applied(got it from the orfficial ARM site). Please direct me!!!!
Forget the last post, i'm drunk so it's hard for me to type! anyway here's the good post!!!

Well for now I installed codewarrior developement suite(or somthing like it) and bloodshed Dev-C++, I applied the ARM ADS 1.2 patch on those 2 and now i'm trying to compile Osnes9xG¨on Bloodshed's compiler but it won't work(give me errors like "file don't exist" or somwething like this). Codewarrior just won't start with the ADS patch applied(got it from the orfficial ARM site). Please direct me!!!!

Notice that I changed ARD to ADS and add the a to pplied from the first message.. sorry but canadian's beer is known for it's high percentage in alchool and that I'm Québecers so t's my culture to drink alot!!!!!!!! anyway I hope someone will help me out soon!!!!!!!
I tried with ADS1.2 and some files are missing in the zip file....
you can try something:
download source code for 0.2 and 0.3...extract 0.2...and then extract on that the 0.3 (replace all files)...maybe that will be better

see you :lol:
I've emailed Yoyo about if he could recompile OpenSnes9xGP to go up to 256 and talked about the subject of this topic: Snes Emu Button Mapping .

I know many people tried to contact yoyo but he does not answer but we'll see if there's any update on this... Because playing snes @ 256 MHz could be really nice:D!!!!!!!!!

Also if someone compiled it please send it by email to me plz : psyko_chewbacca@hotmail.com

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