Overcklocking Tests


:3 :3 :3
Mar 3, 2003
french S/W
let's see how far you go with the latest overcklocking tool ,

my V102 serial 183 hardly reaches 280Mhz , crashes over, not 100% sure of it's stability at 280 but seems ok

100% sure speed: 250

how about you ?
seems to run ok (serial 117 v101 i think) at 266 but crashes after a minute or 2 at 280
Mine runs at 280 stable. Was using DrMD For a few hours, on a dozen or so games. No issues.

Haven't tried faster.
mysql101 posted on Dec 10 2005 at 04:58 PM said:
Mine runs at 280 stable. Was using DrMD For a few hours, on a dozen or so games. No issues.

try something else, drmd sets the machine back to 200mhz i think, according what the menu says ;)

so of course you can play for hours :P
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no ... it doesn't the clockchange-option is only a placeholder :)
Reesy had not implented any clockchange-code yet, so the prog relies on a given frequency. You can use the clockchanger, start drmd and experience the smoth joy of FS0 (turn auto fs off). :)
god_at_hell posted on Dec 10 2005 at 05:15 PM said:
no ... it doesn't the clockchange-option is only a placeholder :)
Reesy had not implented any clockchange-code yet, so the prog relies on a given frequency. You can use the clockchanger, start drmd and experience the smoth joy of FS0 (turn auto fs off). :)

ah, then it seems i can play more easily on drmd than some snes games i have at 280 :P

edit: ah! no, finally ended by crashing too :P
(but i guess it would be possible to stabilize it with some mod .... <_< )
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nik166 posted on Dec 10 2005 at 06:19 PM said:
ah, then it seems i can play more easily on drmd than some snes games i have at 280 :P

edit: ah! no, finally ended by crashing too :P
(but i guess it would be possible to stabilize it with some mod .... <_< )
On the GP32 all you needed to do was open the console up, then draw some with a pencil on one of the resistors to make it overclock a lot better than before.
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i got 295 stable, 300 runs around 20min or more and 305 just a few, over 305 it crashes right after setting the speed.

PS: quake is really cool at 280 or more.
you *could* fry your system by clocking too high but as long as you're sensible, it'll crash before it fries so yuo should be safe
reallynotnick posted on Dec 10 2005 at 06:21 PM said:
So is this safe? I mean could I fry my gp2x by doing this?

if you don't touch the voltage, it crashes before to burn ;)
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If you are really worried about it frying, you could always try making the first liquid nitrogen cooling mod for the GP2X. Not only will you be able to play on the PSX emulator at full speed, but you will also look pritty cool wondering around town with a canister of liquid nitrogen strapped to your back.