Over Bluetooth?


Still Fresh
Apr 15, 2008
I'm not really that farmiliar with the bandwidth capabilities of bluetooth, but I was wondering what all could be run off of a PC connecting to it via bluetooth?

Could basic low requirement roms be run off of a PC's HD by connecting via bluetooth? How about hefty shit like PSX ISOs?

Also, what kind of speeds will bluetooth give for transfering files to a Pandora vs. connecting up via USB?
I can do transfers from my laptop to n800 at around 150KBps. I don't think that you would want to remotely access that stuff over bluetooth. SD cards are pretty cheap, I picked up a 2GB the other day for $8, and 32GB cards can be had for $130.
RedStar1949 said:
Also, what kind of speeds will bluetooth give for transfering files to a Pandora vs. connecting up via USB?

Bluetooth tops out at an effective speed of 2.1Mbps (250KB/s) under ideal conditions. USB 2.0 will do 480Mbps (60MB/s).

Networking over BT is probably possible, but networking over wifi is much simpler and faster.
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Chip said:
RedStar1949 said:
Also, what kind of speeds will bluetooth give for transfering files to a Pandora vs. connecting up via USB?

Bluetooth tops out at an effective speed of 2.1Mbps (250KB/s) under ideal conditions. USB 2.0 will do 480Mbps (60MB/s).

Networking over BT is probably possible, but networking over wifi is much simpler and faster.

That's max throughput, devices rarely hit that. SATA2 is supposedly 3 gb/s? It doesn't even come close to that.
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cbox said:
That's max throughput, devices rarely hit that. SATA2 is supposedly 3 gb/s? It doesn't even come close to that.

I can't very well give out real world numbers without a Pandora on which to run the tests. The OP wanted a comparison of BT to USB transfer speeds, and I gave him the best information available. Those are the maximum speeds possible with those particular standards.
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RedStar1949 said:
How about hefty shit like PSX ISOs?
If you mount your PC's file system (I'd recommend a Linux PC hosting your iso's for this, although certainly not necessary) on the :pandora1: over wifi, this should work flawless in 98% of games (turn off in game music to stop constant data transfers)
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cbox said:
That's max throughput, devices rarely hit that. SATA2 is supposedly 3 gb/s? It doesn't even come close to that.
3 GBit/s (around 366 MiB/s from my calculations, please correct if I'm wrong) is the theoretical transfer speed of SATA2, not the drives. The drives are the bottleneck in that case, not the SATA bus. In the case of most USB hard drives or drives in a PC, however, the bottleneck is probably not the USB bus, since most drives are capable of reading data as fast as or faster than USB can handle.

That said, of course, you're still not going to get 480MBit/s consistently to USB devices, but it should be a lot closer to that than SATA is to its max speed.
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