I added some infrastructure for command line stuff in there, but my last pair of batts just dried up (damn Donkey Kong
, so I've got a couple pairs charging up now.
I'm using the same simple config system as in my other works, so you can specify key/values on the command line or in a config file.
The program will be launched like .. any argument provided will be parsed as either a config-file-path/name, or a config-argument. A config-argument begins with '-', otherwise its assumed to be a full path.
This should let you build a config on the command line, or from one or more files. So you could have a base config file you always use, and then a cusotm set for specific games (say), or a base config and then modify the config via the remaining command line options.
So far I've only added 4 options but once my batts are up I'll add some more things -- setting the floppy image on each disk drive, maybe the key mappings, and such.
I'll also see if I can add in the config menu to pull in a config while using the menus, and such.. we'll see how much time I have before the baby (already 5 days late) arrives
o Config terms honoured so far are (ignore leading *, its from C code
* skip intro <-- skip the raster-line intro
* skip welcome <-- skip the welcome dialog
* skip picker <-- skip the disk picker; implies reset and you've picked disks
* skip reset <-- skip the machine reset (ex: after loading a savestate)
I'll add something like:
load_a <path>
load_b <path>
load_state <path>
map_x st_fire
map_y st_up
That sort of thing.
Hows that sound?
(yes there are lots of other pending requests, but I'm just seeing if I can inject some non-huge-impacting time here.. redoing the sound system is in the queue, but not for this update DaveC
EdiT: Ha, I posted this sight unseen, and DaveC really did make the request I imagined he would
Don't worry, I've done some work here and there, but I've not had a chance. Right now I'm on borrowed time, so just hacking in what I can. Its good to get the fingers going on the gp2x code again.. haven't done any homebrew in like 3 months, and the outcast code does need some cleaning up and layering...