Out of the scene for a while


Still Fresh
Jun 10, 2003
I haven't really been following the world of GP32 for a while now. I know quite a bit has been going on, and was just wondering whether someone would be willing to give a small update for me. Pretty much the last thing i got was the first version of Little John.
erm, well now theres full speed nes, 2 megadrive emus (1 released). a descent neo geo pocket emu. an ogg vorbis music player. duno if gpcinema was out when u looked last. looooads of new games like chess and gravity force :D. doom runs all doom games i think full speed high res with third party wads as an option. new snes emus have come out and a load of overclocked versions. oh and overclocking is now seen as *safe* as an experiment up to 166 was done and it doesnt seem to damage the unit at all. im sure iv missed loooooads so browse the forum. :D. Oh, and full speed x box emulation is on the way hopefully! thatll be one to have on ur smc when it comes out. :P
sensible GP32 posted on Sep 11 2003 at 01:10 PM said:
yes the x-box emulation prospect is looking very good indeed, cant wait to play halo 2 on my GP

is there somehting i missed?
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yes. originally there was going to be a PS2 emu but there were probs with the Emotion Engine emulation. so the guy did some code reuse and got a 'working' X-BOX emu. hopefully well be able to play Soul Calibur by the end of this year :D

...if you believed that, youre a chump
Two questions (coz i can't be bothered to go through 10 pages of threads) :

is the genesis emu with sound?

how do i overclock?
Genemu does not have sound.

anything over 133MHz is overclocking. if there isnt an option in the program for overclocking, you can hex edit it to overclock, but im not sure how.
Acutally, running the GP32 at anything above its native speed is overclocking (i.e. 66Mhz I think). All fuly working gp32s can be overclocked safely to 133mhz with no ill effects (apart from decreased battery life). Some GP32s (mine included) can go up to 166Mhz with no probs, but some crash at this speed.