Original xbox


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
I'm looking for some how-to knowledge from original xbox heads pls

I got an old original xbox,

I got a low wooden coffee table,

I see a vid of someone who had made an arcade table and was looking good, I want to try it

cutting correct sized holes for jamma buttons is ok as I can get dimentions

I'm wondering:

Obviously there will be leads going on under the table, from each button to board and eventually to one lead coming out back of table which will go into the xbox control port - is there a "quick release" type adaptor out there which I could fix to the table end allowing me to effectively unplug at the table edge rather than the console port.

I'm thinking so that when not in use, there isn't a lead dragging out the table to trip over...I can't think how better to explain so hope you get what i mean

secondly, I have no idea how the arcade buttons leads would connect to the xbox controller port, do adaptors exist or would it have to be a soldering job, in which case I would need to look up how to do that as wouldn't know about that modding

any help or tips appreciated