Original Joystick Caps

The Master

Dec 12, 2006

I've seen umpteen places selling the new GPH joystick cap alone, as well as several other 3rd-party caps, but I'm buggered if I can find a single place offering the original version - the one on all the pics pre-mk2.

I know it's not a popular cap, but I need to get hold of a few for a refurbishment project.

Would anyone know where I can find them?

(or failing that, do any of you who replaced yours want to part with the old one?)

Hmm... over 100 views but no responses :blink: Do people just throw the old ones away when they change them then? I'd be willing to pay a (small) amount for a 2nd hand one, or (obviously) a new one if they can be sourced somehow. I think I'll end up needing about 3 or 4. If anyone stumbles over this topic in the future, send me a quick PM if you have any info or offers - thanks :)
Does everyone remember all the excitement about joystick cap mods about a year ago? This thread made me dig out my GP2X box and I seem to have 5 different caps! :)

i got 3 from there a few weeks back coz im fed up of losing them :P
bernwa posted on Dec 21 2006 at 03:59 PM said:

i got 3 from there a few weeks back coz im fed up of losing them :P

Those are the new GPH caps... I'm on about the original one, the smaller round "button" one.

The one that nobody liked. So surely *someone* must have one they'd be willing to part with? ;)
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Well, paypal me 2 bucks and il send u mine, yes its a round old thing
In fact, just give me ur address, and if it is a US address, il just mail it lol