Original 3d Games For The Pandora?

They've declared after HL2E3 is released the half life series WON'T end there will be another half life (HL3) possibly unrelated to the current story arch.
Luftwaffles said:
I'd really like to see half life 1 on the pandora, which means possibly counter strike 1.6, ESF, team fortress classic etc, lets hope valve releases source code for it soon, after half life 3 comes out maybe? :P
You have to remember how long Valve takes to develope their average game (lets exclude L4D and L4D2) especially a Half Life game. Then you should realise by the time Half Life 3 is out Pandora will be rotting away from oldness and you'll be telling your grandchildren about the games of your days. ;P
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I'm heading over to the Valve head offices with a baseball bat and some chloroform, lets see If I can convince someone :)