Orkie said:
I have a script somewhere to build the Open2x libs for the Wiz if that's what you mean. I will dig it out an upload it sometime. I also have the latest SDL source code, and this version seems to have some kind of hardware acceleration in it, though I don't know exactly what or how much of a difference it makes to anything.
When ever you have time and yeah a script works. SDL is main thing im looking for (doesnt everything build off it anyway?) Someone already had time to add hw accel? Thats a plus, I was only expecting fb for a while.
Shouldnt we be able to keep the exisiting new-libs and have both scripts/makefilesfor both units?
Ok I misunderstood the contents of the zip. I didnt know you had scripts in there to rebuild the toolchain and libs. I thought it was only the toolchain.
Update #2:
Ive not used this cross build script before.
Downloaded from Here
Where exactly do you put the .config file? I tried to put it in the config folder of the crosstool-NG install.
I was going to follow these commands from the crosstool-NG site:
./configure --prefix=/some/place
make install
export PATH="${PATH}:/some/place/bin"
cd /your/development/directory
ct-ng help
ct-ng menuconfig
ct-ng build
ok i got it to make, and tried ct-ng menuconfig but it bombed, ct-ng config seem to work. But Im guessing the .config you gave replaces this, then I can run the build.
Just where does .config go? (update menuconfig needed the ncurses devel package)
Figured it out it goes in the root folder of the crossinstall, not the config folder.
I had to create a /toolchain folder for the script. Now its failing on downloaded source, which may not be the script.
Update #3
Things are going! Had to set these variables in the .config to use my proxy
Update #4
To get wget to get through a proxy use:
export http_proxy="http://username
