Opensnes9xgp > Transparency Issues



Will Opensnes9xgp ever be rid of it's transparency issues?

Or is that not possible?
Hopefully, Yoyo has not been heard from in some time. We will find out in time. Thing is this could be the final version of opensnesgp as Yoyo has been away polishing it off for some time. Who knows eh?
dizzytheegg posted on Feb 22 2004 at 09:15 PM said:
Hopefully, Yoyo has not been heard from in some time. We will find out in time. Thing is this could be the final version of opensnesgp as Yoyo has been away polishing it off for some time. Who knows eh?
Be patient, or get the source code and work on it yourself...
Oh the wonders of open-source :D

It can't die if it's open-source, it just needs someone to work on it.
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