Thanks for your help Pickle, I founded the shareware version of Jazz 1 and downloaded it.. your work is really amazing!! Jazz is my favourite DOS game too
I tested it on my Gp2x F-300 with v1.1 firmware (yes thats right Vocamaster F-300 I bet it has almost Wiz compatibility except it doesn't support Flash or Picodrive in that firmware version):
OpenJazzWiz works (just tested now, I am not kidding

Important for users with Vocamaster F-300 only: Use only Wiz version the other "gp2x" version won't work, that one is for F-100, F-200 only) To start the game I simply Press Upper Right Button to play the game, and it works like a dream with sound. Yay!!
Note: I noticed the blast sprites sometimes seem to disappear.. oh well.. not really a big problem