Opengles2 (Racing) Game Development

Experimenting with different lighting techniques. This is directional light (like a sun).

The only other lightsource that I will need is an equivalent of blenders Hemi-light. Already combined it with the directional light of the screenshot. Slightly yellowish from the sun, slightly blueish hemi fill light. That plus baked shadows plus textures will look awesome!

Next: Textures.
Whynodd said:
Experimenting with different lighting techniques. This is directional light (like a sun).

The only other lightsource that I will need is an equivalent of blenders Hemi-light. Already combined it with the directional light of the screenshot. Slightly yellowish from the sun, slightly blueish hemi fill light. That plus baked shadows plus textures will look awesome!

Next: Textures.
Hey, this looks very good. How much FPS do you have with this Detail at the Moment?
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fusion_power said:
Hey, this looks very good. How much FPS do you have with this Detail at the Moment?
3-5 fps. I have to try vbo's, maybe then its faster. At the moment, I do the brute force method: Feed the whole geometry to sgx every frame.

MOAR eye candy:

That as a wireframe in blender: wireframe
Found the 3D-model somewhere in the net. I use those complex models to test my lighting. This is direct sunlight (yellowish) and a blueish hemi light to fill the shadows. This scene has some more triangles than the atrium. Runs with 4fps. I think this model has enough detail for a whole deathmatch map of a multiplayer shooter.
(These scenes have nothing to do with the game I'm developing)

Maybe tomorrow: This lighting + textures. That should be enough to develop and test the GAME. Man, I have to concentrate on the GAME, not on the GRAPHICS, but: GRAPHICS are way too much fun ;)
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Whynodd said:

In the shader:
  gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelviewMatrix * vPosition;
both matrices are 4x4

I browsed through the documentation in the Khronos SDK. They pass only one matrix, a premultiplied modelviewProjection matrix, to the vertex shader in their examples. I wonder if there is a fundamental difference between their matrix multiplication in cpu and my matrix multiplication on the graphics hardware in a shader. I think not. Is there a hidden fnord-alike command, that changes how the hardware handles depth buffer and clipping? Sure, there is something wrong, but I have no clue where to look.

Any ideas?
Are you doing the matrix multiplication again and again per vertex? Sounds unnecessarily heavy.

EDIT: missing word
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