OpenGLES support advancing in Nux and Unity


Active Member
Sep 22, 2008
Just as a notification:

OpenGL ES 2.0 support is now upstream for Nux and Unity. Once Compiz porting is done, Unity 3D will work with GL ES by default on Ubuntu :-)
Taken from this tweet.

AFAIK we will still need a newer kernel to get this running, though.
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I'm not sure if I get what you mean. Proposed? Proposed by whom for what?

I had nothing particular on my mind right now with Ubuntu. Just wanted to inform others about the news in general.
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I thought I read here (forums), that at some point the OP team may start selling sd cards preloaded with iso's, or that iso's may be downloadable of distro's compatible with the arm architecture, I'm sure it may have been mentioned by Ed, ( I'm probably wrong), so I was replying to the post as I thought that, that was what you were on about, it may be nice to see unity running on a small touch screen though, as that's what it was designed for, but I'm looking forward to using angstrom and xfce myself.

Not a Unity hater by the way, I'm just a dyed in the wool xfce user!, with the occasional foray into the shiny world of KDE.
Ah, I see. I haven't heard of such plans, so I didn't get it.

I don't think that you have to worry if you prefer to use xfce over unity. You should always be able to switch between both user-interfaces. There is already a 'normal' Ubuntu wich supports some of the hardware-acceleration of the Pandora as far as I understand (I'm no expert, but just trying around), but that also needs a up-to-date kernel with Pandora-specific drivers. I mentioned it here.
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