Open2x Toolchain Woes


Mar 21, 2006
I've a feeling I might walk away from this thread with a red face but that will be ok so long as I can sort out the problem.

Followed the wiki instructions apart from I was root when i extracted the toolchain, and I put the libpack in the relevant place as well.

Looked at the setup instructions on the wiki for use in makefiles/scripts and also found a thread in here where someone compiled something manually, and just to test the setup i tried that.

I'm 100% this is me being stupid or missing something obvious, but the problem is arm-open2x-linux-gcc doesn't seem to exist anywhere on my system.

Even though i've possibly killed my 2X as well last night (as detailed in another thread-tale-of-woe) I would still like to get this working just because it's bugging me now.

( Not sure if this is relevant but i'm using Vector 5.8 Standard Gold )
My day to day linux skills aren't up to much I will be the first to admit so this might not be correct but would :

find / -name "arm-open2x-linux*"

not tell me where it is if it exists ?

(It comes up empty-handed apart from the original .tar.bz2 file).

I'll try yet again to redownload and re-extract in the meantime.
Finally got the chance last night to have another look at this and with a fresh pair of eyes it all became clear and so I thought i'd post up in case my stupidity could help A N Other avoid taking The Path Of The Idiot.

I downloaded the libpack and the toolchain under windows, and did the rename there also. I did it in a strange way and it seems what I had done is to actually save/rename the libpack as both files.

/me takes the shame