Open Handheld Network


Very Active Member
I was wondering what the community thought about a program specific to community interactivity.

Coming from ye' ol' gaming days I am really enjoying some of the new services available to us as gamers such as Steam/Desura/Playstation Network/xfire/etc.

It would be nice to be able to keep track of developer/maintainer/friend status in relation to the homebrew/open handhelds/Open Pandora community.

Something as simple as a daemon that you can enable that tracks games played and status could really heighten our experience.

Depending on interest later features could be added like achievements and an application finder/downloader/manager.
This is brought up every so often. Two projects have been worked on but I don't think anything has been finalized. If you search for "PONDS" you might get some information. I think that's what the most recent proposal was called, someone feel free to correct me.
I couldn't find any information on PONDS and looks like it would only be a good resource to drum up more interest in making such a project cross platform.

If there is enough interest in seeing other gamer's status I'm hoping we could either A) reinvigorate an old project or B) find a few people interested in throwing some code and a database together. ;) might be of interest here...

I am listening

My intention with is to be device agnostic and more about sharing of info, resources, and knowledge.

I am more than willing to host any services like what you are mentioning. It would fit in nicely with the spirit of what I'm trying to offer.

It does sound interesting.
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