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Hi, in these times there are a lot of online game stores, most of them are constantly giving free or high discounted games, and at some point it could become difficult to track all the games you own, and in what store...
Every store has its unique way to show a list of all the owned games, sometimes those are only shown in a page with simple text that you can copy/paste, sometimes them can be exported in some format, but sometimes the list is visibile only on a specific client software that has no visible options to let you grab it...
I'll try to put here all the possible methods I found to grab the list of owned games from every online store.
(LIST) Epic Games
(LIST) Steam
(LIST) IndieGala
Please update me if you found a faster way to get these lists, and also add what kind of methods are needed for other stores too.
Every store has its unique way to show a list of all the owned games, sometimes those are only shown in a page with simple text that you can copy/paste, sometimes them can be exported in some format, but sometimes the list is visibile only on a specific client software that has no visible options to let you grab it...
I'll try to put here all the possible methods I found to grab the list of owned games from every online store.
With this client is possible to aggregate all the games of most games stores in a single spot, so it makes you able to use a global search function.
It has anyway some issue:
It has anyway some issue:
- It uses a pre-configured games database, so while a game can be added easily because its "page" is already present, not all the games (or particular editions of the same game) can be linked, and in some cases games are recognized as different ones showing a totally wrong page.
- The integrations to the other stores sometimes could fail to synchronize correctly (or become obsolete if not official), removing from the list the games of that store
- There is no way to export the list of games, so the only useful thing is the integrated search function.
(LIST) Epic Games
You can get a page of all your orders from this address, after the login.
The page is not meant to be exported, and you need to click the [SHOW MORE] button different times to have the complete list, but the text could be copied and managed later.
The page is not meant to be exported, and you need to click the [SHOW MORE] button different times to have the complete list, but the text could be copied and managed later.
(LIST) Steam
From the Client or Site, in your account details there are two options, the list of what you bought and the list of all your game licenses (that contains even free and gifted games).
Both lists are plain text, so those can be copied and managed with a text editor.
Both lists are plain text, so those can be copied and managed with a text editor.
From the Site, in the Order history section you can see the list of all your games.
The list is split in many pages, and while you can copy the text to put it in some editor, you'll have to repeat the process for every single page.
This solution will use both a Browser and a console, because the login session could need a CAPTCHA verification, but once we got the list of owned games it is possible to get all their info without an account login.
From the Browser login to the site as always, then:
The list is split in many pages, and while you can copy the text to put it in some editor, you'll have to repeat the process for every single page.
This solution will use both a Browser and a console, because the login session could need a CAPTCHA verification, but once we got the list of owned games it is possible to get all their info without an account login.
From the Browser login to the site as always, then:
- 1) https://embed.gog.com/user/data/games
You'll get something like this:
- 2) Filter from that list only the numbers to obtain something like this:
Code:1073977251 1075740587 1084263831
From VIM you can just use this command to obtain the same:
Code:%s/\(\[\|,\)\([0-9]\+\)/\r\2\r/ge | v/^[0-9]/ :d | noh
- 3) For every ID create a link like this (the last words are options to show or not more stuff from the product) and save this list in a file called "mygogids.txt":
Code:https://api.gog.com/products/1073977251?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,related_products,changelog https://api.gog.com/products/1075740587?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,related_products,changelog https://api.gog.com/products/1084263831?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,related_products,changelog
From VIM you can just use this command to obtain the same:
- 4) Use WGET to retrieve all the information for the games and put all of them in the same file
Code:wget -i mygogids.txt -Omygoggames.txt
- 5) Open "mygoggames.txt" and filter all the titles as you want
From VIM you can just use this command to obtain an ordered list of all the titles/DLCs (consider it BETA anyway):
Code:%s/"title":"/\r/ge | %s/",.*//e | sort u | g/^{/:d | noh
Code:198X 2020 Celebration Pack A Plague Tale: Innocence A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLC A.D. 2044
(LIST) IndieGala
From the Site, in the Library section you can see the list of all your games.
The list is split in many pages, and while you can copy the text to put it in some editor, you'll have to repeat the process for every single page.
The list is split in many pages, and while you can copy the text to put it in some editor, you'll have to repeat the process for every single page.
Please update me if you found a faster way to get these lists, and also add what kind of methods are needed for other stores too.
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