Aren't there 2 mmenu appdata folders that maybe worth trying deleting? One under pandora/appdata/mmenu the other under filesystem/pandora/appdata/mmenu which would need removing an remaking via the terminal. I'm not recommending the latter as I don't know if it will mess anything up.
Other than that you could manually rebuild your card from a back up, testing minimenu as you go but obviously that would be laborious and slow.
hmm interesting gparted said i had a 4 meg unpartitioned block at the start of the card maybe that was the problem.
yep copying off the data and repartitioning seems to have fixed the infinite scan loop problem(seeing as even with no data it was still happening)
IN SUMMATION: I don't think minimenu likes unpartitioned card space especially at the start of the drive. copy off the data and repartition with gparted and you're golden
SCRATCH THAT still fails argh. something on the card is still breaking it will post again if i track it down.
I had this exact same problem. Thought I was crazy, but it happened once I installed the Updated Bluetooth Daemon in my menu folder. If I removed it from my menu folder, everything worked correctly.
Of course, the menu folder is the only one I use, so any folder might be affected. Can't test now though, as my unit's RMA for power issues.