One More Music Player Client(ommpc2x)


Mar 17, 2006
I present to you One More Music Player Client or ommpc2x. It's a fairly full featured client for the Music Player Daemon(mpd). As such, I also present mpd for the gp2x. So, yes, this is a standalone music player solution and not just a frontend for mpd on another machine.


So, why another music player for the gp2x. Well, bascially I wanted a first project and as I saw there were a couple of gaps in the current players that folks were asking for, I thought I'd attempt to fill them. So the features list looks something like this...

1)Gapless playback of gapless formats(I know ogg works, I don't know if mpd does anything to try and make mp3 gapless or not)
3)Seeking in all file formats
4)Support for mp3, ogg vorbis, flac, AAC, mod formats supported by libmikmod(untested)
5)File browser
6)Playlist creation/editing/deletion
7)Background playback
Don't get too excited yet. It's far from perfect. Occasionally when changing songs interactively, the audio goes wonky. A quick pause/play usually fixes it. The background playback is a bit finicky too as mpd doesn't like to have the cpu clock speed changed while playing, so apps that change the clock on startup are tricky. I've hacked some scripts together that work somewhat... Visit or read the included README file for more information.

The other caveat comes with the fact mpd keeps up with a database of songs and that must be filled before getting started. And it does take a bit for large collections of songs. My 800 MB takes a couple of minutes.

Anyway, give it a try, let me know what you think...[/cut]
super nice program! i cant wait until all the kinks are worked out.

EDIT: do all programs share the same audio engine? if so the speeding up might be a result of different sample rates....

also im getting the same problem as SiD, the songs do not play in order without a playlist,
also the program froze after i successfully played pocketsnes with music in the backround(the speed didnt change or anything, i did turn the emulators sound off) exited pocketsnes ran the autorun and exited the music player without stopping the music.
Very nice Coder_TimT :)

Can't wait to see some updates on this, although its already good.

Maybe it's just me but the volume control is the best I've experienced in any music player for the GP2X ^_^

Edit: Sometimes it plays one song and then just stops after its finished. It doesn't play the next song automatically, it doesn't do anything. Or sometimes it plays more than one song and just stops at some completely random song for no reason. The songs don't play in order either. Not sure if it might be something I'm doing wrong, I haven't created any playlists or anything just playing the songs exactly as they were loaded into the database.

It was also playing one of the MP3's I tried a bit too fast or not at all.

Don't know if you knew these bugs already, just thought I'd throw it out there,

Also it'd be nice if you could change the volume while the screen is off, don't know if anybody else would like that.

Sorry to be a bother.

Thanks again :)
In regards, to songs not playing in order without a playlist....well....your always playing out of a just might not have noticed.

What selecting a song with 'B' from the file browser actually does is inserts that song into the current playlist at the "nowPlaying" position and starts playing. If there are songs in the playlist already, it will continue on to them otherwise, it will stop(Unless random or repeat is on).

So basically you have to get in a playlist mindset. The 'A' button in the file browser will just append the song to the end of the playlist...then once you have a playlist made, you can switch to playlist mode and it will cycle through them in an expected order...

As for the sound speedups. I've seen it at random time on random songs...usually fixed with pausing and then playing. I've had the volume do funny things too...a quick vol up or down would usually fix things....SiD, does that one mp3 mess up all the time? did you start pocketnes? By detaching the client and starting from the menu or creating a launch script in the shortucts directory?


Oh yeah, thanks for the compliments guys. :) Glad you like the volume don't realize how much crap is going on to keep the volume under control.... :)
Coder_TimT said:
In regards, to songs not playing in order without a playlist....well....your always playing out of a just might not have noticed.

What selecting a song with 'B' from the file browser actually does is inserts that song into the current playlist at the "nowPlaying" position and starts playing. If there are songs in the playlist already, it will continue on to them otherwise, it will stop(Unless random or repeat is on).

So basically you have to get in a playlist mindset. The 'A' button in the file browser will just append the song to the end of the playlist...then once you have a playlist made, you can switch to playlist mode and it will cycle through them in an expected order...

Ahh ok, now I got it working, thank you :)

As for the sound speedups. I've seen it at random time on random songs...usually fixed with pausing and then playing. I've had the volume do funny things too...a quick vol up or down would usually fix things....SiD, does that one mp3 mess up all the time?

I've had it happen with two songs. I just start the song over again and that fixes it, though on one it took a few more "re-starts" of the song. Hasn't happened again after fixing it once though.
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QUOTE did you start pocketnes? By detaching the client and starting from the menu or creating a launch script in the shortucts directory?

i played a song, ran the sample script not the complex one or whatever, it boots me to the main menu with music, then i launch pocketsnes, turn the sound off, and play... just now i was recreating what i did earlier and the song stopped randomly and when i ran the autorun script thing it gave me a black screen and crashed.

either way im super super psyched about this application, now i can play music and play gundam wing endless of my favorite pastimes is now portable, thanks a lot.
sething said:
i played a song, ran the sample script not the complex one or whatever, it boots me to the main menu with music, then i launch pocketsnes, turn the sound off, and play... just now i was recreating what i did earlier and the song stopped randomly and when i ran the autorun script thing it gave me a black screen and crashed.
Well I don't have a solution right now, but I do have a couple comments. First off, I made a mistake in the simple sample script. It's supposed to automagically do the autorun stuff for you just like the compex one. You can copy those lines over if you'd like. Although running it manually should accomplish about the same task.

Secondly, if launching a script is booting you to the main menu, there's probably something wrong with the script. Make sure any paths with spaces in them are surrounded with quotes.

Neither of those really "fixes" anything just a couple of observations. If you're getting any sound problems during the time of shutting down ommpc2x or starting up the launched program you may want to try the complex script and play with the pause time... If it just stops at random, and you can't even launch ommp2x again, then thats mpd screwing up...I have yet to do much of anything with that code...but I have a feeling that's where changes are going to have to be made to really fix anything.

Thanks for the feedback...
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Thank you so much for addressing the need for a player with a bookmarking feature. So many people will be thrilled, but me especially as I mainly listen to loooong files like podcasts and audio books. :D
A couple of items I forgot to mention in my initial post.

Currently I'm unable to pull title/artist info from AAC/m4a songs. It works on the pc, but not the gp2x. The songs I've tried seem to play fine though.

If you're gp2x is networked you can control the mpd running on it with a remote client from your desktop...similarly, if you're running mpd on another machine that allows remote connections, you can make some config file changes and use ommp2x on your gp2x to control the remote mpd. I find that quite fun for some reason...even though my gp2x is connected to the machine via usb. :P It's just cool to press the volume buttons on the gp2x and have the music playing on my desktop get louder... :D
imhotep said:
Thank you so much for addressing the need for a player with a bookmarking feature. So many people will be thrilled, but me especially as I mainly listen to loooong files like podcasts and audio books. :D
And you're welcome. Let me know how it works out. for you. Let me know what you think about the seeking also. It's not great, but mostly works. It's variable speed from 2x-16x depending on how long you continue to seek...
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Coder_TimT said:
Let me know what you think about the seeking also. It's not great, but mostly works. It's variable speed from 2x-16x depending on how long you continue to seek...
That's a really fantastic idea. I am looking forward to checking that out. B)
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something odd happened after i started my gp2x after crashing the last time(the music stopped playing and music player froze on exit attempt) and when i booted the gp2x back up it went straight to the music player
so i tried exiting and it froze, i restarted the gp2x again and it put me back on the music player again. so i exited again and it froze again, i restarted the gp2x and it finally went back to the main menu.......
sething said:
something odd happened after i started my gp2x after crashing the last time(the music stopped playing and music player froze on exit attempt) and when i booted the gp2x back up it went straight to the music player
so i tried exiting and it froze, i restarted the gp2x again and it put me back on the music player again. so i exited again and it froze again, i restarted the gp2x and it finally went back to the main menu.......
If it went straight to the music player on boot, it seems like the autorun stuff was in play. You could manually remove the autorun.gpu file from /mnt/sd if it gets stuck doing that.

Now as for the crashes. I don't know what triggered the orginal issue, but I think the others weren't actually crashes. I think they were simply nothing restarting the main menu. The ommpc2s.gpe file that is normally run to start the application is actually a script which handles going back to the menu. The autorun script I put into place, is designed to be called while ommpc is already running, it calls the ommpc2x executable directly, which doesn't return you to the main menu when finished, since the other script should theoretically already be running to get you back there on exit. So if the autorun script is left in place on boot, it is starting ommpc2x directly with no way to get back to the main menu.

Ugh, so kludgy. Sorry you've been having such troubles. On thing you could do if you hit that situation again, is actually launch pocketnes or some other program via the launch menu. Then when it exits, it should take you directly back to the main menu... Looks like I have some rethinking to do....
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Thanks Coder_TimT for a great player and especially this -

imhotep said:
Thank you so much for addressing the need for a player with a bookmarking feature. So many people will be thrilled, but me especially as I mainly listen to loooong files like podcasts and audio books. :D
I'm having a problem using the Bookmark feature. Whilst a track is playing, I use "Select" to go to Bookmarks, press 'B' on "Create Bookmark" but nothing happens. Where am I going wrong ?
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reeced said:
Thanks Coder_TimT for a great player and especially this -

imhotep said:
Thank you so much for addressing the need for a player with a bookmarking feature. So many people will be thrilled, but me especially as I mainly listen to loooong files like podcasts and audio books. :D
I'm having a problem using the Bookmark feature. Whilst a track is playing, I use "Select" to go to Bookmarks, press 'B' on "Create Bookmark" but nothing happens. Where am I going wrong ?

Hmm. That's what you should be should have an entry appear in the list of bookmarks... I've just notice the bookmarks disappearing in certain situations(don't quite know when/why yet)...and they won't show back up until restarting.... So maybe you had hit the disappearing bug and nothing was showing in the list.

So maybe try restarting and the very first thing creating a bookmark... If that works, then it was the above disappearing bug. I'm looking into that now...
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craigix said:
OOhhh some nice features, this has made me dust off the craigamp code once again ;)

Oh yeah, and I need to say a "thank you" to Craig, since I lifted the cpu speed and screen blanking code from CraigAmp... B)
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Thanks for the new player! I was probably one of the more vocal critics of the gp2x built-in music player. I listen to podcasts and had to remember where I left off and then they slowed down the seek function in later firmwares. I waited for some alternative for months and months and then I gave up and bought a $40 Sansa MP3 player. I would really like to try this new app though and see how things go!