One Goal


Jan 4, 2004
I know that freeware developers who make up the majority of software developers for the GP32 do game developing as a hobby, but I was wondering if a bunch of guys could get together and create one great game. It may take time and energy, but I suppose that you could sell it and make a reasonable amount of money. Over the past few months, I have been constantly looking for one great game, but I have not been able to find one. I think that this is because people who create GP32 games either don't want to develop for one common cause, or they don't have the time. I know that if the experienced GP32 freeware developers get together and create an awesome program, I will surely buy it! Please think about this because if you get together and create one exciting game, it would boost the popularity of our favorite handheld. :)
people working together on a project.... gasp!!! You mean somthing like open snes where three developers got together and created a nice piece of software. Or Doom where some one started it and is was passed on to craig who finished it up. Developers do work together to create games or other software. If you want to buy a good game that a few talented software developers have worked together on then head over to joy gp and buy anything. A majority of those games where created by small development teams some times just two or three people who have worked together to create them. Your idea is nothing new and while there are some amazing coders out there that have worked alone there is a decent amount of team work going on to create the stuff you play with every day.
It would be too complicated because everyone would want to do something different, have different ideas. They would need someone to tell them what to do, but why would yo u want to be bossed around for doing something on your free time, without pay. It would be almost impossible for most developers to work together because the ideas would be too diverse.

A group of like a few people would be fine of course, just not the whole community
Well, just ask Toris at Combustion Studios about making games commercially. I know that I personally rate Gloop Deluxe as a "Great Game", he sells it on his site for $5, and the number of people buying it is NOT worth it from a financial point of view. And even though it is only $5, we had dorks bragging about warezing it!

Without wanting to sound harsh, no-one really programs this thing for other people. All the posts in the Cool Ideas and Other Wishes forum about "hey! could anyone port this game..." are never going to get answered because that's not how it works.

People write or port games because they personally want the game, or they like the technical challenge, or whatever. The great thing is that they then make the games available, for free! How can you complain about that?

The GP32 "scene" will continue for a long time yet, and some even more amazing stuff will come out of it. But it will come from those that get on and make their desires happen rather than posting "why can't someone else do..." type messages at gp32x.
Ok then, If it doesnt make enough dough than I will donate 100 english pounds to whoever brings me AVP side scroller!!!!

To be honest a more worthwile project would be a game engine, this way multiple games could be created by small teams or individuals once the main project has been complete.

This is why I'm REALLY looking forward to piriotic's Gigas Engine. After this is rreleased, many decent rrpg's will be created by individuals and small groups using Piriotic's engine.
I'd offer 100 USD to the person who can optimize a full speed/sound/transparency SNES emulator, But the US dollar is toliet paper currently :P
£1000 pounds garunteed to whoever brings me and all a full speed N64 emu (Lol, I couldnt resist sorry)

Pinball Dreams is a great game, albeit a port of a 12 year old Amiga game.

The challenges on GP32 Spain look a good idea but the pay isnt a lot for the work involved.

If a number of people could donate an amount so the total reached say £1000 ($1800) or more then maybe a project that required an amount of time may be a real prospect.

Thats roughly about 2-4 weeks working pay for a pro coder depending on location etc.

Maybe large donations could have some form of advertising in the finished product :)

I suspect as the project grew and there was evidence that a decent product would come about that donations would increase, but it would have to be something that would grab peoples attention.

But what would the agreed project be ? Full Speed SNES\Megadrive\other Emu`s ? \ Full Original Game ? \ Port ? \ Collection of Smaller Projects ?
considering its only at 0.2 opensnes is amazing, personally though I think a genesis emulator would be good, seeing as I haven't got one to work at all for me yet.

Either that or a GP32 port pf an amazing game (or series) such as Chronotrigger or FFVI, Lufia etc.
Mame Emulator able to run Bubble Bubble full speed +audio


This was a challenge code, but why the need for mame??? I just play the C64 version with full sound and its great, and if you want it faster just set limit speed to off??? Perhaps the arcade was different.. Anyone know?

However craig, are these still open or failed??? As I would easily donate at least £100 to the Cps emu (Only if my beloved AVP scroller made it) :o)

I have more than enough to play though on my gem of a handheld, *he strokes his Gp32 in a very unothadox manner* lol

Why not make a competition where many people just chip in a bit of dough to like or sometin and when the competition is over the people who paid their amount are the ones capable to download or sometin. or some idea where many people chip in to make a large sum of cash.