On the Lifespan of the Pandora.

I would suggest buying a spare battery lid. If you use the trick of applying paper shims above the battery to seat it more firmly, you can overstress the tabs on the battery lid. Otherwise the pandora seems pretty sturdy. Just dont drop it.
Mine recently survived a three-foot (approximate) drop from the dinette table to the ceramic floor.  No problems.  But I near had a heart attack!
You all are so lucky with dropping devices.

My DSi dropped 3 times and every time the shoulder button broke.

My Pandora dropped in the train and it hit the shoulder button.

In every case it wasn't even a meter the device did drop.

Why does gravity hate me and my shoulder buttons?

But when my Pandora dropped and did not land on the shoulder button nothing happened.

I did secure my battery in a way that it doesn't even loose contacts when dropping.
Glad to hear. Had an amazing year, up to the last month or two really, which is not so great. I'm afraid my friend doing the map and graphics for Werewolves disappeared after having a kid, so the world hasn't had chance to hear your music. Sorry about that :(
No worries, I haven't been around to be apart of things much anyway. Glad it's been good to you for the most part, hope things pick up again soon.

And back on topic, yesterday my Pandora had a 5KG mirror fall off the wall forward and shattered over the top of the Pandora, apart from a few scuffs on the corner you'd never notice :)
N3Cr0: Looks very nice. Id get one if it improved the touch. I prefer silicone tubes over pvc ones for watercooling. Ill see if if by some miracle it fits a pyra.

I got one to see how it is, we shall see when it arrives. If not i can villify myself and make a mask.

GiraffeeDreams: except for now you have bad luck in games. ;)

FZERO: It would be supernice if that was a charge or video-dock. Inductive charging would be cool, but i dont know if it could be hidden. It would perhaps be visible when he wasnt holding it.

With just cables (no drilling of mario) it would work if it was the other way around, so that he presents the back towards you.

Also i think the volume pot would be in the clear then, you would reach around on the left hand side and use it.
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Good idea, as a charging dock it would be nice.

Unfortunately couldn't be used as a video dock due to Mario's large nose in the way... It has only about 45degree opening on that lid there
GiraffeeDreams: except for now you have bad luck in games. ;)
Nah, the whole thing was mounted on a wall, it'd been up for a long time so no idea why it went, but as it happens today has been remarkably lucky, I was able to beat my personal best time on Sonic 2 whilst at work (I should have been working...) :)

FZERO - I used to have a Sackboy designed to hold PS3 controllers that fit the DSi perfectly, since Sackboy doesn't have a nose I wonder if it'd be more suitable?

Just google imaged it, the Sackboy looks like it would make for a better video dock figure, the angle there is good

NGF, my advice to anyone who asks me about what to buy when reliability is a concern goes as follows...

Whenever you buy any electronic device, assume it will only last 2 years. Would you still pay that price for it if you knew it would only last that long? If not, buy something else in your 2 year longevity price range.

Now, that's not to say that whatever you buy won't last for a lot longer, but there are so many things that can go wrong with something as complex as these devices, that you should assume the worst up front to avoid depression later on. I have in my pocket right now a Psion Series 5 that I am still using. Then again, I have seen many devices fail within 1 to 2 years. Not to metion the threat of theft, loss, lightning, water, stupid pets, etc....

I am not advising you one way or the other on the Pandora since I don't know your level of expendable income. I bought my used Rebirth edition Pandora 2 months ago that said it was lightly used, and I already have a bad LCD cable I am going to have to replace. I bought used because I can't afford the retail price. If I break it in the process of replacing the cable, I won't be able to afford to replace it and will just have to give up the dream and do without while I save for the Pyra... and it will take me at least that long to save up enough to afford that. It's all a gamble.