Omg That Is Sick

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
The Cat just slammed a big 10cm - 12cm spider with his paw on the stair case and picked it up in his mouth still alive and ran off into a corner with it. He then put it down and watched it try to escape dragging 3 dead legs and then he kept on slamming it with his paw untill it gave up. He then picked it up in his mouth again, ran into another room (With the spider dangling from his mouth with its legs moving) and ate it.

yummmy :blink: :blink: :blink: :o :o :unsure: :unsure:
i wasnt going to say anything, but this is one of the most worthless things ive ever seen on the internet. it would only be interesting if the cat was actually your mum
cool but cruel. But as i see it the spide was breaking and entering. I once found a 20cm spider in minehead on holiday about 2 months ago. I am scared shit of them and was woken by it crawling onto my face! It was really faast! And when my dad ( i got him to squash it) who is also afreaid of spiders squashed it it exploded everywhere!!!!!!!
Our cats have been master spider hunters since they were kittens. Living out in the countryside, we get loads of spiders, but we usually find them dead on the floor having been 'played' with by the cats.

They eat some of them too :P
Cats are evil. Get a rabbit.

For insectsand other creepy crawlies, I have an electric fly swat. You should smell the burning insect after a kill....mmm. Tasty.
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