Older Japanese Pc Emulation?


Still Fresh
Sep 21, 2009
are there any emulators that run pc88/98, fm towns, or msx roms on the wiz?

i think i have a link for the source code for a pc-98 emu, but it's at home, so i'll link it once i get home.
There's an excellent MSX emulator here: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/wiz.cgi?0,0,0,0,72,207
Nothing for the other 2 yet. (Not what I know of)
Neil L said:
There's an excellent MSX emulator here: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/wiz.cgi?0,0,0,0,72,207
Nothing for the other 2 yet. (Not what I know of)

wow, i am 100% blind... i totally missed that one!

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I would be happy if someday in Wiz or Pandora we could play with a x68000 emulator.

I don´t know if exist an open source emulator.

here's a link that has the neko project source (pc-98)

here's on for the sharp x1
There is already a Nec PC-98 emu for the gp2x calld NPP2X. It's a port of Neko Project 2 to the GP2X. I don't know where the source is for that one. It might be with the NPP2X.zip file in the downloads section for the GP2X. That would take far less work than what is up on Yui's page. I was hoping there would be a pc-98 emu ported to the Wiz by now since one already exists on the GP2X. Maybe it takes more work than I think it would to port the GP2X version.
godashram said:
i tried looking for the np22x gp2x source, but the creator's page no longer exists
I did find a page that has source code for ARM related palm devices. So this might help. The np22x source would be better but that seems like it's next to impossible to get a hold of since the author never posted it anywhere and his page is gone. So here is the link if anyone happens to have any interest.
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I hope at some point someone ports emu's of these Jap computers to Pandora. They'd probably run fullspeed and would be great to use because of the keyboard.