Pc-98: Neko Project Ii


Certified Guru
Nov 9, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Looks to be a fairly mature PC-98 emu right under our noses. Supposedly some interesting Japanese games for this system.

Does anyone have a translated README or other information on the GP2X version of this emu?

Oh yeah, the link seems to be broke, I snaffled it from dcemu.co.uk
bagmouse7 said:
There look to be some interesting games out for this system.
A quick search turns up some crazy "adult" Japanese games for this system.
Check this one out:

There are actually 2 PC-98 emulators out there:
PC:98: Neko Project 2:

Which one are you using?

I think those are both the same emulator actually.
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bagmouse7 said:
Which one are you using?
Aha! They're actually the same! But the 2nd link you provided has got some instructions in english as least! Okay, so I need a font.

And yes, busted! The crazy "adult" games are the *interesting* looking games I mentioned in my original post. ;)
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The resolution is almost 640x400 though. I wonder how that would display.
I've just tried this out. I created my font. The "makefont32.exe" seems to want a courier font so I chose "Courier New CE". This created the font.bmp. I then copied and renamed the original (I think this is the correct .ttf) cour.ttf to default.ttf as per the instructions.
Now I can boot up but the font seems to be "too big". When I selected the menu the fonts are all cut off.

The PC-98 does have hi-res modes like 640x400 but it's all scaled down and you have the option of changing the scaling to suite your tastes. I haven't tried any software on it yet as I don't have any, but it looks extremely promising.
Hmmm there don't seem to be many English games.

Do the PC-98 games get translations like other console ROMS?


Also, I'm thinking that the font needs to be a Japanese font :-) not a Western font.

Is this right?

EDIT: YES again.

You need the msgothic.ttf font. This is available and just a matter of doing a search. Copy this to your system fonts directory and then run makefont32.exe. Select MSGOTHIC and PC-98 to create the FONT.BMP.
Touhou originated on this system, Great great shmup.

Unfortunately I've never gotten touhou to run past the intro , or hell, pre intro fmv.

Unfortunate, I loves me some touhou.
I'm very interested in this...
Anyone tried it yet? What is the performance?

A while ago I searched for an emu for linux (x86/x86_64) and I didn't find anything, suggestions?
I have had this running for a while now as i came into several gigs of pc-98 roms a while back - though as mentioned the vast majority are in japanese and also tend to follow the visual novel or rpg format rendering them unplayable unless you speak the lingo. there are a few non text based games i have played on here though and they do run very well.

unfortunaty, as the titles are in japanese i cant say which games run particularly well, as even the roms i have are in kanji...

the english translations mentioned above run fine though - if anyone wants to test it out.
Yeah I've been using this emulator for a while now. It runs really damn well. Blows away the psp port of this emu. If you hit the L trigger you can scale the resolution. The true 640x400 resolution looks good and runs the fastest, but you get a lot of the image cut off. This runs pretty much full speed for me at 270 for certain shooters or action games. Usually 240mhz is fine or less for point click games. Actually, even some of the adult games are fun. The ones by the company Giga are actually really good. Games I'd recommend (even though adult) are Steam Hearts which is a shooter and Briganty (action). Other great non adult games I like that run great on this emu are Metal Force, Fray - In Magical Adventure, Flame Zapper Kotsujin, Jump Hero, and all the Farland Story games. The http://pc98.acheronx.com/main.html that was mentioned is great for info and usually has pretty good updates. I think he still has a english link to emu max (a chinese emu site) that has about 900 games for the pc-98. I get most of my pc-98 games off of a p2p program called Winny and another one called share.
This is still one of those systems I seriously wish there were more translations for. PC98 stuff looks so pretty. And not just because no-one in the games is wearing any clothes! Although I suppose if there were more translations, they'd probably be of Hentai games, and therefore not the most sensible thing to play on the train in to work unless you're very thick skinned indeed!
I took a long look at many of the games available for the PC-98. The still images in games are very, very nice. While there are some good ones (Policenauts, Farland Story series), there are several things holding back this emu:
-90% games are in Japanese
-native 640x400 resolution much too big for the gp2x
-90% of titles are hentai-related (even many good ones) and/or have Japanese weirdness. Now some may not consider this to be a bad thing, but when I'm on the bus or train it would be nice not get accusing stares for playing a game where a guy with 2 giant hammers rapes women to regain health <_<

Overall, I think this emu would work better with a BoB, mouse support and full resolution with tv out. I also wonder if we could get most of the older games ('94 and up) to run at a decent speed, because they're the best, right?. Very interesting though.
Have to admit, this one passed me by too. I thought I had every emulator running.
Looks like there are some really smart games for this system. There seems to be a Dungeon Master port, Ys, a few shooters as well as the ubiquitous Mahjongg titles. I might give this a try later on. There's bound to be loads of games where the language doesn't affect play.

Cray shooter made me smile. :)