Old user back to see what's new (Need recommendations)


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May 23, 2008
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Hey so I haven't really been here for around a year now and am looking to get back to using my Pandora again. I know about PND repo and the wiki software page, but I'm sure there are newer stuff/ stuff that I should know about that's listed somewhere in all the pages of the forums. So basically I'm looking for an update to the following:

Firmware: Anything better than what's on the official page? (http://openpandora.o...emid=40&lang=en)

Music player?

Movie player?

Internet Browser?







Indie games I should know about?

So I know some of this will just be opinionated but your knowledge will likely be better than mine. (*hopes the community is still awesome and doesn't toss the "just search for it" card at me*)
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Hey so I haven't really been here for around a year now and am looking to get back to using my Pandora again. I know about PND repo and the wiki software page, but I'm sure there are newer stuff/ stuff that I should know about that's listed somewhere in all the pages of the forums. So basically I'm looking for an update to the following:

Firmware: Anything better than what's on the official page? (http://openpandora.o...emid=40&lang=en)

Music player?

Movie player?

Internet Browser?







Indie games I should know about?

So I know some of this will just be opinionated but your knowledge will likely be better than mine. (*hopes the community is still awesome and doesn't toss the "just search for it" card at me*)

Ok let me give it a go !

Firmware: there is the SUPERZAXXON final available from August (latest update) - check the beta software thread - it is pinned there

Music player: I do not know what your last reference was, but audacious / rockbox are my players of choice.

Movie player: SMPlayer2 is still the best -

Internet Browser: Firefox works fine but a bit slow, but running Chromium under Pandebian beats everything else. As a normal pnd, though, i find jumanji pretty cool and light.

Emulators: there's a lot of news on this so it would be too long to list here... but PCSXReArmed has been improved many times recently and it will soon get a 2x resolution feature for all PS1 games. For genesis Picodrive has been update for tv-out support. GBA gpsp is still the best, works flawlessly.

Indie games, I recommend Pandora Microbes and Dino defense :) and Paper Wars seems to be excellent, but it is not released yet.
There is also an Android PND that works pretty well.. if your wifi isn't too dodgy Netflix works pretty well too even on 256MB units.

Also big on the Emulation front is Qemu, allows fairly decent DOS and Windows 3.1/95 emulation.. I've had some success getting Diablo 1 and Starcraft working okay.
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Also big on the Emulation front is Qemu, allows fairly decent DOS and Windows 3.1/95 emulation.. I've had some success getting Diablo 1 and Starcraft working okay.

How far is starcraft from fullspeed, and at what Mhz ?

I also wonder whether total annihilation would work fine on Pandora. It dates from 1997 and it is my favorite RTS of all time (I am not so much of a starcraft fan) - anyone tried it with qemu ?
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@ekianjo: Oh awesome, thanks for the great response :)

@TrashyMG: lol an android PND? Wow I wonder what else I've missed over the past year.
@ekianjo: Oh awesome, thanks for the great response :)

@TrashyMG: lol an android PND? Wow I wonder what else I've missed over the past year.

No problem, welcome back and enjoy :)

By the way, if you are not aware, there are now 1 Ghz Pandoras (with 512 mb ram) available (or soon to be available again).
I would definitely recommend the new PND manager: http://repo.openpand...pndmanager-bzar

As I have been getting back into using my Pandora recently, I have been getting up to speed with what software to get, only just got this, on your recommendation, and let me say it is a very good recommendation! So easy to grab loads of software and check it out, it shows how completely lazy I must be as a person, but the 'messing around' of copying to SD card was enough of an obstacle that I didn't check as as much software as I should/could. Now I am finding myself queueing up all sorts of applications/games so they are there and installed for next time I pick up my Pandora for 10 minutes to play around with something new.

Also big on the Emulation front is Qemu, allows fairly decent DOS and Windows 3.1/95 emulation.. I've had some success getting Diablo 1 and Starcraft working okay.

How far is starcraft from fullspeed, and at what Mhz ?

I also wonder whether total annihilation would work fine on Pandora. It dates from 1997 and it is my favorite RTS of all time (I am not so much of a starcraft fan) - anyone tried it with qemu ?

I generally clock my regular pandora at 1Ghz, I've seen videos of it being more responsive, but I can only get it to be borderline playable. I have a feeling this something quirky in my windows 95 install.

Another thing for regular DOS games, I recommend updating to a newer version of DOSBox if you still have an old version installed.. the new dynarec makes it amazingly faster than the old.
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with os on sd card web surfing is a lot faster, psx runs great can't beat ff7 and thps3 on the go mame4all is the best, smplayer2 plays everything i throw at it looks great on my tv, also might have official tv-out cables soon:) android runs great and having qemu is great watching the win95 loading screen on my op brings a smile to my face.
Finally found some time to go play with my Pandora again :)

Soooo glad to see that the newest firmware doesn't have the bugs I used to see a year ago. Everything's working smoothly and I'm really impressed by how much PCSX has improved (I was on rev6 lol). Took a look at Paper Wars and that looks great!

Got a couple more questions:

1. How do you set the default player for music/movies? I've tried opening properties and setting the "Open With" to point to my Audacious.pnd file. When I double click an mp3 file nothing happens. I'm going to assume this isn't how you do it...

2. In gpfce-gp2x, how do you get back to the menu after starting a game? I remembered the menu keys for all the other emulators but couldn't remember this one and couldn't quit lol.

3. Tried installing Pndmanager to <SD>/pandora/apps (as well as menu and desktop), but I don't seem to see the icon anywhere. Any ideas what I'm missing?
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1. How do you set the default player for music/movies? I've tried opening properties and setting the "Open With" to point to my Audacious.pnd file. When I double click an mp3 file nothing happens. I'm going to assume this isn't how you do it...
Check PND utils "associate" function.

3. Tried installing Pndmanager to <SD>/pandora/apps (as well as menu and desktop), but I don't seem to see the icon anywhere. Any ideas what I'm missing?
That's the ordinary way to install a PND. Strange that it does not work. Try re-inserting your SD card and/or re-downloading PNDManager.

Btw, the web version of the repo has another nice feature:

You can use it as a direct search engine in your web browser.


If %s matches only 1 app it directly sends you to that app's info page.

If %s matches multiple records, you get a listing.
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