Official 2004 British Meetup Thread - Open!

Not the south- everything is in the south......

How could any people from the North or Scotlanf be expected to go if its in the south. If its in the middle, then more people can go.

I vote Birmingham or further north- maybe Sheffield.
Birmingham would be good for me, or anywhere central tbh.

Maybe we should get a list of locations and then do a poll to see which is most popular?

Could do the same with a selection of dates/date ranges too.
i was gutted i didn't go to last year's one....(missed out on _counters megadrive emu....he.he.he.)
i think it should be put to a vote...even if it only serve's as a ruff idea of how many people are intrested in coming.and where they will have to travel from....
i.e. if 10 people want it held in london...there's a possiblity only 2 or 3 of them will travel up to manchester.
PinkSpider posted on Apr 30 2004 at 01:40 PM said:
I live in hull so if it was in the south its miles away :/ midlands is doable tho.
Oh deary no. I live in Germany and want to come, so why don't we meet on the Cranger Kirmes (like the Oktoberfest, but with less beer ;))?
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I think most will only be able to make it on a weekend (saturday worked ok last time) and somewhere in birmingham near a train station would be best so no-one gets for date-as long as I get some warning anytime will do me.
Birmingham is really too far south even if I did have a car at the moment.
I was being a bit self centered with the Newcastle suggestion though Birmingham is just way too far south (what with it being THE SOUTH)
Opens map.... sugestions
  • Huddersfield
  • Sheffield
  • Birmingham
  • Liverpool
  • Manchester
  • London (far south but easy to get to)
  • erm... Hull :D... cheap drinks... 1 pound 25 for a fosters :D... runs out of house.
if it were held down in the south east or summit, maybe more people from the continante could come....not that this affects me as i'll travel any where in the UK
If its down south tho then people from the north uk cant come (london is fine with me tbh.. there is a direct train from Hull to london :D) I would prefer t to be abit more north tho :)
PinkSpider posted on Apr 30 2004 at 09:25 PM said:
is stoke more north or south?
The middle...

heh i remember stoke was at uni around there ... many a great pissed up night ... happy days :P
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Stoke is inbetween birmingham and manchester.I live 3 miles away from it.stoke is a V.small place but its got quite a few pubs.If we made it stoke and we couldn't find a pub to stage it at you could all come my house.The only problem would be actually finding your way from stoke train station to my pad.But if its good for enough people we could work something out.