I was wondering If it would still possible to bound the mouse click (currently on the nubs) to the shoulder buttons (L1/R1) and to bound the wheel mouse (up/down) to the other shoulders buttons (L2/R2)?
It would be the best option for almost all games because the nubs are used to move in games and I'm not sure that it would be easy to click the nubs while moving it.
It would be better for FPS games, Hack&Slash games, space combat games, etc...
I was wondering If it would still possible to bound the mouse click (currently on the nubs) to the shoulder buttons (L1/R1) and to bound the wheel mouse (up/down) to the other shoulders buttons (L2/R2)?
It would be the best option for almost all games because the nubs are used to move in games and I'm not sure that it would be easy to click the nubs while moving it.
It would be better for FPS games, Hack&Slash games, space combat games, etc...