The box is pretty tattered and the controller has a severe case of yellow plasticWhat's wrong with it condition wise?
But now I have to get it back to the US somehow.1$ Justifies even the biggest "i dont need it".
Ill be living here till May so by that time everyone will have forgotten about ebola lolCareful, it may have Ebola
Im starting the auction at $1.01, do I have any takers?I kinda like the box art.
WTH? I thought you are giving for free?! Now you want to sell?Im starting the auction at $1.01, do I have any takers?I kinda like the box art.
I picked up a Nintendo 64 today for $1. It has the console, the box, tv cable, power cable, and origional controller. Its not the best condition wise. Does anyone want it? I dont even have a use for it but for $1 I couldn't pass it up lol.
yes. If you are in the US, you can break the tabs off that stops a US cartridge going in.It will play and work fine.I might take the box for that when you get back. How beat up is it? How much to throw in the N64?
Wait, do N64s have some form of region locking?
I might take the box for that when you get back. How beat up is it? How much to throw in the N64?
Wait, do N64s have some form of region locking?
WTH? I thought you are giving for free?! Now you want to sell?Im starting the auction at $1.01, do I have any takers?I kinda like the box art.
I think he is auctioning just the box.
Turns out the carts are keyed, so there should be no problem modifying the N64 to accept carts from NA.