Noob Needs Help With Ufo Game Install


Still Fresh
May 20, 2009
ok, so... I've been a HUGE fan of the ufo:enemy unknown games and was overjoyed to see them ported to the Wiz, which i just received a few days ago. I read the read me file in order to install it and had no problem. The game itself works great. But the issue i'm having is making the sound work. Downloaded timidity.tar.gz and extracted it where needed as told in the readme file.
So far, so good...

BUT... "add this line at the start

dir /mnt/sd/path/to/timidity/

where path/to/timidity/ is the path to the timidity directory on your SD card."

now i'm overly confused. tried a few things... nothing seems to work...

I am very grateful the game works... but if i could have sound as well... my life would be complete.

Could someone please explain things to me/walk me through this last part? I'm willing to learn !!! :P

Thanks guys!
I put the instruments in a folder at the root of the sd card, so the wiz mounts its /mnt/sd/timidity

Now I put my timidity.cfg in /etc, but the key is the path in the cfg file:
dir /mnt/sd/timidity/

You can try putting the timidity.cfg in your xcome folder, if not try a bash script like:

cp /mnt/sd/timidity.cfg /etc

Be aware music did not work for me in xcom2
Also check the xcom config file, make sure music is set to on
Pickle posted on May 20 2009 at 02:23 PM said:
I put the instruments in a folder at the root of the sd card, so the wiz mounts its /mnt/sd/timidity

Now I put my timidity.cfg in /etc, but the key is the path in the cfg file:
dir /mnt/sd/timidity/

You can try putting the timidity.cfg in your xcome folder, if not try a bash script like:

cp /mnt/sd/timidity.cfg /etc

Be aware music did not work for me in xcom2
Also check the xcom config file, make sure music is set to on

thanks for your reply, but I still feel really dumb... i tried another couple of things ... and still no go...
bash script... um... what is that?
Could you please please please walk me through the steps like you'd do with a 4 year old?
Thanks so much for your time though, i really appreciate it! And i REALLY want to learn as much as I can!
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Lots of references to timidity in WIKI but Albion has the best reference. When using Windows, be sure to use WordPad to edit and remember to precede paths for GP2X with /mnt/sd. So if your SD/GP2X is attached as e: and you copied the data to e:/timidity then enter the line in timidity.cfg as " dir /mnt/sd/timidity " and copy the cfg file to the directory of your program.