Non-gaming Apps

Audio creation apps
Portable DAW (on pc I use Reaper)
Sample trigger pad (would love to have more than 16 virtual pads and allow key assign aswell as touch-screen triggering)
Portable Fruity loops-like app (for weird sounds n quick beat making)
Korg DS10 and it's kin (yes please!)
Tablature software like Guitar Pro 5.2 (this would be most awesome, infact, I wouldn't need anything else if just this 1 app was made).
Virtual DJ-like software (on-screen turn-tables!!!)

Also would like to see some iphone-like virtual instruments like;

virtual guitar (could have more frets than on iphone), keyboard (more keys) and drums (more drums!) just for kicks :)

Infact, anything to make music although I'm not too keen on old school tracker software.

Oh, and last of all quake 3 :P
Other than mame/n64, which I really hope gets emulated well on pandora at some point,

Comic reader/ebook.

Note pad of some kind, both typing and touch screen.

gps- if this is even possible, I have no clue how they work, I just know it comes in handy :)

Anything that will play music/video well.

Calculator! I suck at math!

Thats about it, nothing too fancy.
love a graphing calculator similar to a TI 89 (so that i can run c programs that i already have made for my calc)
also while this was mentioned awhile ago, for bittorrent why not just use rtorrent
rtorrent is just a terminal app and i believe it only depends on libtorrent
it's extremely light weight and can run on like a pentium 2 with ease so the pandora will literally have no problems
also, it's got some of the fastest speeds of a bittorrent client which far surpass transmission (the suggested app to port as of now) and it comes with all the features of a gui bittorrent
i'm wondering if it even needs to be ported seeing as it's a terminal app that has only one dependency, any care to confirm?
Hope this thread is still open. My wish list has pretty much already been covered, with one exception - mythtv. I'm planning on getting a myth frontend up on my Pandora within the first few months. I've found evidence that it's already been ported to an ARM system, and it looks like it might just need a cross-compile.

That'll be great for around the house TV viewing. Someone mentioned slingbox earlier in this topic. I'd like to suggest a better idea. As long as VLC and Firefox get ported, you should be able to use Jinzora to stream media files (music, video) across the internet to the Pandora -- no need for an expensive slingbox appliance, and it's all open source.

If anyone else is interested in contributing to a myth frontend port, please PM me. I may be a little over my head here and wouldn't mind a bit of help. :-D
chad78 said:
[*]MS Office doc/ppt/xls viewer

Impossible , it's closed source , but just a text editor will be possible.

I only want

[*] Firefox
[*] IRC client
[*] MSN client
[*] Movie player with Full screen mode (for when I plug it in my tv!)
[*] Youtube viewer

Nothing more.
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hmm...... an notepad of some sort would be nice, so would an music manipulator like Audacity.

what i definitly wouldnt want to get on the Pandora is an piece of phone software. i mean CMON, we got enough handheld-phone hybrids as it is !!!
Mithrildor said:
chad78 said:
[*]MS Office doc/ppt/xls viewer

Impossible , it's closed source , but just a text editor will be possible.

He speak about *viewer* not the editor.So he is speaking about a program thast is able to display *.doc, *.xls and *.ppt. fortunatly for him openoffice is able to do this :)
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DivX player (mplayer, vlc, whatever)
Text editor, simple
browser (js, and java enabled)
IM client

Just those would make me happy

Additionally a skype client would be nice
as far as notepads are concerned: how about something like notepad++? and something similar to winamp would be awesome for music!
cosmos123 said:
as far as notepads are concerned: how about something like notepad++? and something similar to winamp would be awesome for music!

Is these good enouth for you :
If so, you'll have it sometime in the futur :)

open-source software for handheld is more than what people think :)

Edit : added Quasar and vlc
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Count me in the Sketchbook app too.

It would great to have a program where file names or where to save images or what type of image you want to save as didn't matter! Just want to draw! then after a while you would get like a portfilo of work!

But if it turns out to be anything like what drawing is on the nintendo DS then.. hell forbid. I hate drawing pixels.
TaG said:
Don Patch said:
Some kind of CAD program would be nice, whether it be 3D or 2D. Maybe some kind of chemical reaction simulator, too?
Can you get the CAD accuracy on 800*480 pixels or 4.3" screen (without going blind or mad)? Unless you're thinking of some simple layouts.

This is actually a common misconception, you're never going to have a screen with high enough resolution to do that. The biggest issue is that you'd have to be zoomed further in on an 800x480 than on a decent 1600x1200 screen. Because of the way that Autocad, for instance, works you're using osnaps and entering by keyboard most of the time, the mouse isn't going to ever give sufficient accuracy.

As for applications, most of the ones I want and need have been listed.
Firefox, that seems to already work.
Mail client, I'd prefer thunderbird, but I'm not sure if it's current incarnation is light enough.
A Terminal program.
SSH to go with the terminal program.
Some sort of VPN which can be made to work with Windows and preferably FreeBSD.
A word processor, preferably one that supports ODF files.
Spead sheet, gnumeric would be perfect.
Media player
And some lightweight method of keeping files in sync with a desktop. Preferably with a lightweight revision control system.
And possibly the ability to install a GPS software package should I ever go about buying a separate receiver for that.
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I second the idea of a comic book reader, and would love to see one that used the touch screen for page turning.
debian-armel or ubuntu-arm or angstrom-gpe.
If one of those works (and ubuntu already does) then all the apps we want will be available (or can be compiled)

For those interested : I was able to boot win98 on a zaurus sl-c1000 through dosbox. It was too slow to work with. The pandora seems to be a lot faster and dosbox is available, so maybe ...

Bosbeetle said:
I'd like to see a washing machine simulator and/or a real time tree simulator
but probably its idle hope
emulating trees is rather tricky because you need to reverse engineer their dna.

also, doing it real time, battery life could be an issue.

edit: oh, you said simulate, not emulate. then it shouldn't be that much of a problem. what trees would you like to see simulated? i'm all for chestnut.
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bartleby said:
Bosbeetle said:
I'd like to see a washing machine simulator and/or a real time tree simulator
but probably its idle hope
emulating trees is rather tricky because you need to reverse engineer their dna.

also, doing it real time, battery life could be an issue.

:lol: Well I do agree that Plant life would be difficult with all the polyploidy and stuff, so maybe I should opt for real time yeast simulation but it just doesnt seem so exciting as watching a tree grow. Maybe in a couple of years we'll see an arabidopsis simulation.

A washing machine simulator should be feasible I think.

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bartleby said:
Bosbeetle said:
I'd like to see a washing machine simulator and/or a real time tree simulator
but probably its idle hope
emulating trees is rather tricky because you need to reverse engineer their dna.

also, doing it real time, battery life could be an issue.

edit: oh, you said simulate, not emulate. then it shouldn't be that much of a problem. what trees would you like to see simulated? i'm all for chestnut.

I would really love to see a paint drying simulator, Just imagine the fun we could have with that. We could have on-line competitions via wifi to see who could watch paint dry the longest, And have a high score table and everything. :)

Oh, And battery life could most definitely be a problem, Especially for the most determined. :rolleyes:

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trooper said:
bartleby said:
Bosbeetle said:
I'd like to see a washing machine simulator and/or a real time tree simulator
but probably its idle hope
emulating trees is rather tricky because you need to reverse engineer their dna.

also, doing it real time, battery life could be an issue.

edit: oh, you said simulate, not emulate. then it shouldn't be that much of a problem. what trees would you like to see simulated? i'm all for chestnut.

I would really love to see a paint drying simulator, Just imagine the fun we could have with that. We could have on-line competitions via wifi to see who could watch paint dry the longest, And have a high score table and everything. :)

Oh, And battery life could most definitely be a problem, Especially for the most determined. :rolleyes:


Wow online paint drying contest that'll be the most zen thing you can do with a computer. Next to maybe watching some zen master trying to port a dreamcast emulator by mental power only.
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