Nomis 0.5 - Simple Pattern Game


Still Fresh
Dec 1, 2005
New Jersey, USA
Nomis 0.5
by Michael Butler

A simple memory/pattern game written in C with the SDL libraries and Karl Bartel's SFont code for the bitmap font drawing routines. Watch the computer choose a sequence of button presses, then repeat the pattern using the A B Y X buttons. So far I couldn't do more than 15 steps.

Note to any blind GP2X gamers: Press Y for dog barking, B for honking, X for laser, and A for the hand clap.

The source code is included for educational purposes (i.e. how to write messy code). This program helped me get into GP2X development.

Copy the Nomis folder to anywhere on your SD Card. All artwork and wav files must be in the same folder as Nomis.gpe.

Start - Start Game
Select - Quit Game

A, B, Y, and X activate the colored buttons.

SDL Libraries -
SFont - for a great archive and forum!
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Little bug in Nomis 0.5

it is just to say the game is simple and cool. I like it.
I have only one suggestion, while playing, when the demo shows what to repeat, if i press one of the four keys ( a b x y) then it records it without playing sound and i lose when i press it again thinking i did not pressed before. Could you consider emptying key buffer (by reading key press but without using the value) just when it says it is my turn to play. Otherwise the game is quite unplayable because hitting the key before the signal does not beep anything and makes you loose later.

The GP2x seems to buffer key press or is it your programs that starts listening for key input too soon ?

Thanks very much.
This game is great!! Is their any chance of adding volume control? Thanks very much.
The GP2x seems to buffer key press or is it your programs that starts listening for key input too soon ?

I have noticed what you are talking about when I was first designing the game; but I thought I had fixed that issue. Basically, while the computer is playing the pattern, all player input is ignored. You are supposed to wait until you see "Your Turn" to start pressing buttons. But there might be some unwanted delay that I'll have to look into.

This game is great!! Is their any chance of adding volume control? Thanks very much.

Yeah I definitely need to allow volume control; it is currently too loud when you use headphones.
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I worked on it some more and released a new version, Nomis 0.8.

Changes in 0.8:
- Controls more responsive
- Added Volume controls
- Changed graphics slightly

Download at:

by the way if anyone knows how to reduce the size of the executable (this simple game is over 1700KB) and still use SDL_image and SDL_mixer, please let me know.
by the way if anyone knows how to reduce the size of the executable (this simple game is over 1700KB) and still use SDL_image and SDL_mixer, please let me know.

There's a GPE compressor on

Oh, and you might want to strip the debugging info from the executable too.
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