Mtc Match (Preview)


Still Fresh
Oct 12, 2007
A new Version for Windows, Linux (i386), GP2X and GP2X Wiz available from

Changes are:
- change font
- better keyboard control
- in game press Y for next possible move, but be aware, you are loosing time
- add high score (press H on Windows/linux or A on GP2X or GP2X Wiz)
- on GP2X it is a bit slow, this will be changed in future

I have sometimes dead locks on gp2x wiz, if it happens, press left, right shoulder and x button at same time, this terminates the game. On Windows or Linux you must press "l", "r" and "x".


The Program is written to test free pascal cross compiler. This is a 3-Match game like animatch on GP2XWIZ. The goal is to destroy among number of buttons, displayed on right side, in 60 seconds. Every match, which decrease the number of needed buttons, increase remaining time.

The game is written with Delphi7 and is cross compiled to arm linux with freepascal 2.5.1.


Game - Download:
SDL - Download: (only for windows if sdl libraries missing on your system)
A nice little game :) Got only to level 8 though :huh:
This is just the kind of game I like coding :)

Btw, did you notice the following line in the log file?
"TfwSDLImage::LoadFromFile: Couldn't open data/images/unknown.bmp"

Also, is the levels folder for future use? Seems to be empty now.
Thanks for response. My best was level 16. The computer player, which i implement for bug hunting, got up to level 25.

I add missing file "unknown.bmp" next release and yes, empty level folders is normal. This is my default folder structure, but this game has no level maps.

I found some silly bugs:
- do not press "a" key in game, it freeze game and you must press shoulder left, right and "x" button at same time to terminate game
- Adding highscore value two times
- little memory leaks

Next days i will release an update.

Ok, i uploaded a new version. All founded bugs fixed, and i have done some small changes.
Now saving volume level and last player into config file and i reduced memory usage.

Thats all. Have fun.
