"no support for pacrom, please uninstall"

:angry: :angry: OK, i bought GP cinema and installed it. whenever I go over the file it instantlly crash's! what should I do to fix this? I did not just pay for a product I can't use ( I hope )

i'm about to put some fresh batteries in. it shows spivs bios btw when it crashs ( his crash detector)
Ok, sorry to spam.
I put on a file I made with virtual dub and it shows up when I highlight it doesnt crash but when I hit A it doesn't run. I made a movie with virtual dub and movielink and neither work, they both crash. Can anyone help me?
yes, I got to this, and I get into GP Cinema, but ALL THE FXING FILES CRASH when I roll over them, and I have to restart my GP32. It seems I'm stuck like this, also

How do I flash to origonal bios, as in REMOVE spivs stuff
alright, I asked bada and he told me to try there vids, which work. None that I encode in Virtual Dub seem to work? Any help with that?
rtfm error i'd say
i bet that gp cinema comes with some readme that tells you how to encode the movies
as there have been 3 divx players and all required diffrend encoding method.. so RTFM and faq.gp32emu.com or something

the spiv's "bios" you are referring to only has fixed (as in repaired) usb stuff and then many _menu_'s in it..
pacrom is a menu, the orginal gamepark thing is a menu, windups is a menu .. not bios

bios!=menu ;)

or something like that .. if i remember right there's own encoding prog for gp cinema.. atleast there will be ;)

My bet is that it's the audio that fuxx0rs it. It's uncompressed PCM, and I'm not entirely sure GPCinema can handle that. Encode it as MP3 and try again. Also, GPCinema refuses to start play a video with no audio track.
I agree with the last post, it's your audio. From the picture you show above you have no audio stream. You need to have an audio stream in MP3 format for it to work. Also, wich version of Xvid or Divx are you using? It does make a big difference. I had a version of Xvid that I thought was version 4 but it kept crashing so I downloaded Xvid off of JoyGP and reinstalled it and then my videos worked just fine.
maybe its something simple like the batteries? that was happening to me the other night (the errors and such) so i changed the batts and everything was fine
i think your problem is something to do with sound.....
i encode using a 2 pass method...the first with no sound......
only one file i have ever encoded failed to work and it had the same 0hz 8...it at the bottem of the screen...
i think i must have forgotten to do the 2nd pass...(with sound)on this one file.
as the first pass is unreadable by pc and gp32...i hope i have solved your problem.
if not im me on yahoo mess...(shotaway123)...and i will send you my config files for vd1.42