Nintendo Ds "interview"

RoboJoe32 posted on Feb 4 2004 at 01:04 PM said:

It's so humerous and lacking in information, it could barely be called an interview.
yep, nothing really more that what we already knew. Someone needs to ask the tough questions
1. Do you think this will die as fast or faster than the Virtual Boy?
2. What were you smoking when you came up with this idea?
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And the road phrases he kept using....


Does that mean that the release date is just "down the road" (not very far) Or does he mean it will require a car to tow it? (also the fact he says "portable" not handheld)
extremegamer posted on Feb 4 2004 at 04:32 PM said:
Do you think this will die as fast or faster than the Virtual Boy?
It's not a Virtual Boy 2!!! They said in a interview, that the screens are one above the other so it isn't possible to us a sterero 3D effect. The DS woul be something completly different!
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Xinobrax posted on Feb 6 2004 at 01:49 PM said:
extremegamer posted on Feb 4 2004 at 04:32 PM said:
Do you think this will die as fast or faster than the Virtual Boy?
It's not a Virtual Boy 2!!! They said in a interview, that the screens are one above the other so it isn't possible to us a sterero 3D effect. The DS woul be something completly different!
Well, the VB was kind of a freak console that did not have a large impact on the gaming community. I do have one, but what about anyone else? Extremegamer alludes to that fact: The console will probably not be a success. I think so too.

And that interview makes a mockery of the word "interview" :P
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Nintendo will have to reveal something about it before E3 or they;ll never shake the popular image of this thing being a flop before they sell their first game. Right now I see it being like the Dreamcast, A decent system that could be enjoyable that's going to end up ignored because people are waiting for the PSP.
Mosch posted on Feb 6 2004 at 07:44 PM said:
And that interview makes a mockery of the word "interview" :P
Nintendo didn't even tell Nintendo of America what the new system was going to be before they made it public. If they wanted to know about the Nintendo DS they should have interviewed the big guys.
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IGN - "Are you worried about overlap? Or of diluting the sales of GBA?", Nintendo VP - "You can never have too many Game Boys, let's be honest. I mean, how many do you have?", IGN - "Three of them. But we're a special case, we think.", Nintendo VP - "No you're not."


Hilarious, that's classic...
Alpha2 posted on Feb 17 2004 at 02:49 PM said:
OMG! He almost literally just said "we're making it because we know you'll buy it." He's bucking for a DS boycott. <_<
Noone has the balls, and if a small number*well large enough to get news attention does it, so fucking what, more people will go check it out then and BAM more sales than if there was no boycott, not as much sales, but hey, basically:

"Hey, we know you'll buy it, hell... it's a new thingamagig and we're releasing it. Hell we got you to buy 4 link cables, get some friends with handhelds, just to play multiplayer on one of our games, we can do almost anything! Well... almost. World domination has come across many times, but there is some moral complications right now." - Not a quote, but funny i made up
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Unfortunatly for the "big N" There are a lot of people that passed on Crystal Chronicals because the think its a scam to suck money out of them. (Personally, I feel that the game is only worth playing with 3 other friends with GBAs which I dont have) There's still a chance their bravado can back fire on them if they feel this is just another marketing ploy which if you look at alot of reaction people seem to be leaning in that direction.

Despite the company line they need to come up with some kind of amazing use for the DS (like open source, maybe!? :P )or the last few gimicky products are gonna bite them in the ass.
