Next Gp32linux Propagand Pack

File loader, so that we can have several linux apps, and start one from a menu.

Otherwise need chatboard or to edit start file all the time.

Would be nice.

I don't know what's possible and what not but i would like to see :

- A Simple PIM program
- A simple HTML viewer/PDF viewer
- Maybe a media player?
everything which makes the gp32 useful as pda :)
a filelauncher or a basic desktop system would be nice :)
Vimacs posted on Jul 27 2004 at 10:28 PM said:
and a nice chatboard less filelauncher, or a virtual keyboard
i concur.

oh, and:

Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) y

a - a rusty +1 screwdriver (weapon in hand)
b - a cursed soldering iron (alternate weapon; not wielded)
c - a glass screen
d - a 64mb memory upgrade
e - a can of black spray paint
f - a can of silver spray paint
g - a +1 reel of de-soldering braid

Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (n) y

Final Attributes:

You were fervently aligned.
You were extremely unlucky.
You are dead.

Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (n) y

Voluntary challenges:

You went without games.
You were a modder.
You genocided 3 GP32s.
You polymorphed a case.
You never used an RF-link.
You used no wishes.

/ \
/ REST \
/ IN \
/ \
| leks 3rd GP32 |
| 26 Jul |
| killed by the |
| LCD plug/socket |
| |
| |
| 2004 |
*| * * * | *
_________)/ \\_//(\ /(/ )/ \ // \ /|_)_______

[edit] ^^ gah, darn spaces :/
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Would be cool to have an mpeg player (maybe kvcd compatable ?)

I did read some time back that you had Mplayer compiled and working but I dont think there where any releases

incase anyone was wondering why I would like mpeg when we already have a divx player..

1/Dont have to piss about with conflicting codecs as Divx 5 media dosnt like to playback using the Divx 4.12 codec

2/I just open tmpgenc select a file including wmv and select a mpeg or kvcd profile and press encode. Simple :D

3/Dont have to wonder if the file will play while encoding
(I have read that some movies just dont play with all correct settings and codecs)

there could be more but I cant think of any at the current time.
tekt5 posted on Jul 27 2004 at 11:20 PM said:
Riiiight...just tell me when the 600MHz xScale/192MB RAM mod is available, OK?
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TandeM posted on Jul 27 2004 at 04:49 PM said:
tekt5 posted on Jul 27 2004 at 11:20 PM said:
Riiiight...just tell me when the 600MHz xScale/192MB RAM mod is available, OK?
exactly my sentiments. plus, without a chatboard and a massive SMC, what are you going to get done?
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My wish would be to be able to write on the SMC, like this we can use this in totaly "independant" way ;)
I would love also to see a pdf reader running & starting as fast as the Flash reader ;p
a mp3 player (if the sound driver is fixed of course) to play mp3 in same time that writting a text or reading an ebook for exemple ;p
& in my dreams for next releases is a port of that Warcraft free & open engine (that was called Freecraft if I remember well... but it would be so awesome that I put this port just next to the Amiga emu in the ultimate things that the GP32 can do :P), a port of that Ultima 7 engine which exists for Zaurus (I got the Ipk somewhere but cannot success to make it run with the Opie release... surely it need more work !) & something like a Dos Emu if it's possible lol
and the most awesome thing would be that we can use the actual normal USB connection cable as a synch one or even more awesome as a network link which would allow the use of .... internet on the GP32!!!!!
yeah I'm a great dreamer :rolleyes:

btw anyone else interest in those little things that I mention above?? then don't hesitate to tell it to increase the luck of making this true one day maybe ;)