Newmedia Will Distribute Gp32 In Italy


Mar 15, 2004
Finally Newmedia will distribute the system in Italy, at the end will not be Virginplay, reason¿? i dont know, no official info from virgin.
Could be that this companyes will work together to distribute in Italy,or maybe its a new distributor.

see it here:

"- GP32: NewMedia lancia la distribuzione della nuova potente console GP32"

sorry ad text in popup window in italian, if some italian want to translate it....

a poster in gp32spain says that the pack in Italy will Come with a 64 smc card, as i said some time ago.
I doubt we see the same in Spain...

ah!! they call it that a "mobile media center" and use a winup image!!! xD cool
i think they dont really know what they are selling, pc game emulation? and theres a pic of moviepark running on it!

EDIT: under the smc there is text and it says something about 128mb smc. maybe there giving them away.
Well brushing up on my old Italian...

As far as i can tell there nothing about it coming with a card, what it does say is it will work with either a 64 meg ot 128 meg card.

Apart from that appears to be sold as an open OS system, with High quality gfx, can play divx's and AVI's, mp3's and you can read text files, view jpeg's. No mention of what gaming to be expected from it and released in May..
excuse, i explain the smc info bad, a friend, called svarada, that lives in italy, send a mail to New media and they reply that HIS pasck will include a smc.
They may add a smc in the pack or just give you a third party low price smc.
No news about spanish pack.
finty101 posted on Apr 19 2004 at 04:43 PM said:
i think they dont really know what they are selling, pc game emulation? and theres a pic of moviepark running on it!

EDIT: under the smc there is text and it says something about 128mb smc. maybe there giving them away.
I think they know more than you think about it. They seem to be advertising it for the truly amazing things about it. GamePark itself is not so good at advertising the GP32, they like showing off the GBA-esque games. This ad seems to be showing off the very stuff that amazes my friends and made my buy a GP32 myself. Had I only known about the commercial games I would have passed the GP32 off as some useless GBA clone.

Usually this kind of stuff is not advertised by Gamepark, I have no idea why... Wind Ups and other freeware programs are some of the most outwardly impressive things about the GP32, whether they are really good on the inside or not.
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