Newbie Help


Mar 12, 2004
Birmingham, UK
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Hey, Just got my gp32 today from i'm just tryin 2 get it 2 connect 2 my pc and it's really not workin lol.

Ive put my smc in plugged it in2 the pc with the usb cable and followed the instructions but it says "failed to open usb port" and my pc isnt detecting it either it's definately notmy usb port cus ive tested it with all my other usb stuff and it all works. The plug tht goes in2 the gp32 doesent seem 2 b a very good fit it's 2 long culd this b the reason?
Try these:

- Make sure the USB cable is plugged directly into your PC, not into an external hub
- Make sure you are plugging the cable in before turning the unit on
- Make sure you're in PC-Link mode on the GP32!
Well, I wouldn't worry about it too much if it is the unit, my second unit didn't work when it first arrived (didn't turn on) but I sent it back and had a lovely working one two days later. It's worth the wait, anyway!

If it is the drivers... then... duh.
Download em and put em on a floppy disk, then go into control panel and click add new hardware with ur gp connected and turned on, then when it finds it click load drivers from disk and choose floppy disk drive.
If Ur running XP you can just go on add new hardware and browse for the .inf files. I'm not sure if this works on older versions.
If not then sorry.

Edit:In XP - Control Panel > Add Hardware.
[Wizard Searches].
Yes, I have already connected the hardware.
Add a new hardware device (bottom of the list).
Install the hardware that I manually select from a list.
Show all devices.
Have disk.
Find your .inf files now.
come on people all you have to do is right click on the usb driver file and click install. From there plug the cable into the gp32 and the pc and you should be all set. You will still need to log into the gp32 site and register your gp32 download pc link to transfer files to your smc and freelauncher to launch home brew stuff.
Have you tried taking the big lump off of the GP32s usb cable, The bit at the GP32 end. As with most units it does not allow for a proper connection. Give it a try, It worked for me. You could always put it back on if you get no joy.

GBAX units will probably be flashed and the new bios needs to be unplugged from the computer before you start it on and plugged in before you start linking.
Ok ive tried everything i can think of and everything u guys have said and it's still not workin so ive done it all using my smc reader/writer everything is workin perfectly pc engine emulator the beta mp3 player sms etc i am very impressed with this little system it's definately the best handheld ive ever owned, unfortunately bcus of my dodgy usb cable (i'm pretty sure it's the cable btw) i can't register so i can't buy + download GPCinema :( but my m8 shuld b getting his gp32 soon so hopefully it is just a dodgy USB cable and i can use his to register. Thanks for all the help btw