this great emu has a new version with more great features, like the possibility to save states! and much more!!
D_Skywalk made it for said "thnks" to all the people who was with him when he was making the emu, adn testing it.
you can download in his website:
take a look of this new version (the latest one) from the Second Place winner from the 16days compo =)
(this version has obvious extra feautures that dont appear in the emu showed for the competition, so download it!!!)
Pituka forever!
edit:new feautures reveleaded!! you can now load SNA file images, only put them in the DSK folder and you can play with them =).source¿? a reply in gp32spain:
franxis ask:
¿Podria el emulador soportar la carga de diferentes ficheros .SNA (con un explorador igual al de los ficheros .DSK)?
(can the emulator support the load of different files .SNA(with a equal .DSK file explorer?)
and D_Skywalk reply:
Hola Franxis eso ya lo puedes hacer, solo mete la SNA en la carpeta de los DSK
Digamos que es una feature no documentada
(hi franxis, that you can do now, only put the SNA in DSK folder.
Its a feauture not reveleaded
More reasons to test the emu, are you agree?
D_Skywalk made it for said "thnks" to all the people who was with him when he was making the emu, adn testing it.
you can download in his website:
take a look of this new version (the latest one) from the Second Place winner from the 16days compo =)
(this version has obvious extra feautures that dont appear in the emu showed for the competition, so download it!!!)
Pituka forever!
edit:new feautures reveleaded!! you can now load SNA file images, only put them in the DSK folder and you can play with them =).source¿? a reply in gp32spain:
franxis ask:
¿Podria el emulador soportar la carga de diferentes ficheros .SNA (con un explorador igual al de los ficheros .DSK)?
(can the emulator support the load of different files .SNA(with a equal .DSK file explorer?)
and D_Skywalk reply:
Hola Franxis eso ya lo puedes hacer, solo mete la SNA en la carpeta de los DSK
Digamos que es una feature no documentada
(hi franxis, that you can do now, only put the SNA in DSK folder.
Its a feauture not reveleaded
More reasons to test the emu, are you agree?