New Net-bubble Release


Mar 19, 2003
Net-Bubble GP2X

I made an update with some bug fixes. Honestly, I don't really feel like putting any more work into it. I've moved on to a new project, already.

Have fun with it, though! :D
Thanks for the update.

Can you open the source for the port, its such a fun game, it would be a shame not to have it finished.

I have played it a few times, and like it quite a bit.

Thanks again for the port!

Edit: Didn't you do that great image viewer for the gp32? One of the few viewers that could handle multimegapixel images and zoom. I used that on my gp32 till I sold it, to show everyone pictures from trips and the like.
Can you open the source for the port, its such a fun game, it would be a shame not to have it finished.
I have played it a few times, and like it quite a bit.
Well, I don't mind giving out the source. Though, I'm not sure that I want to drive anyone else insane. That's part of the reason that I am not continuing the project. The original code is very difficult to manage. Also, I'm not sure what else anyone would want to do with it. It should (in theory) be rather simple to add sound effects if you had sounds to add. The problem is placing the proper calls thoughout the code. You'd think it'd be easy, but you haven't seen the code. If someone wanted to supply .WAV sound effects for all the events and some music, I might be persuaded to try to add them in.

mth411 said:
Edit: Didn't you do that great image viewer for the gp32? One of the few viewers that could handle multimegapixel images and zoom. I used that on my gp32 till I sold it, to show everyone pictures from trips and the like.

I certainly did. I'm glad you liked it. It's always great to hear that people actually use my creations!

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