New Game to add to Port Wish List.

#1 GameMaster

Feb 10, 2008
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The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle. I'm not sure how many of you follow The Humble Bundles but they are pretty good game sets that are sold to us at our own price. I usually give them a fair price though 10 bucks a game (if I made more I'd probably double that). Anyways some of the games they sell in these bundles become open source so it's a good thing to follow them. One example of a game they sold was Gish if any of you have played that yet. Well this ones got a neat game in it called "Jack Claw" which is now open source and would be a great game to add to the Pandora's Game list.

Here's a link for those of you who are interested.

Enjoy ;)
only 1 has sourcecode available, and that doesn't even run on linux yet

so you'd hae to talk with frozenbyte, but i highly doubt they'd bother attempting ports, doubt any of them would run very well anyway
Yeah it I'm not sure it would anyways since it needs direct X to run didn't realize till I installed it plus it's only a prototype. The main two games I would like ported from any of the humble bundles really are from the first one and that's Lugaru and Aquaria. Aquaria should easily run on the Pandora since someone managed a port to the PSP as for Lugaru I'm unsure of how well it would run but it would be neat to be able to play it on the Pandora. It's to bad they don't open source more of them though because even if they didn't run that great on the Pandora now when and if the Openpandora team make their next system I'm sure by that time the technology would allow the games to run. I just figured I'd post this mainly to let you guys know about the new humble bundle before it's to late though.

Should've went over the games a little more but I was working on recovering files off my sisters faulty SD card finally managed to recover 636 of her pics the last 12 or so couldn't get but shes happy and now I'm tired and going to get some sleep. Sorry for any type O's can't keep eyes open. :P

Edit: Ninja'd on Direct X.
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