New Game Player - Myracer

Underpowered mobile phone game player with Korean only games and an awkward looking control pad.

My favourite part was when the sales department had a hotmail address.

Actually good luck with this, I don't see it taking off but who knows. Is homebrew possible on it? Price?
If homebrew is possible on it I think it would be pretty good. It reminds me of the GP-KIDs but with bumped up specs.

I bet that it's pretty cheap, it would have to be to compete with the likes of GP2X, PSP and NDS.

But the bottom line is - Homebrew? SDK available?

EDIT: I've looked through the webpage (all korean) but I have found mention of an SDK so perhaps it is homebrewable?

Also, I've found some places selling it. It looks to be around US$100.00

Not bad really?
The symmetrical design of the left control buttons and the right active buttons is very fresh idea that other portable game players have not tried.

Umm... I think there is a reason why they aren't suppose to be symmetrical. :rolleyes:

The gap between each directional button is too large... <_<

Although, this could theoretically make it swappable for left-handed use. :P

I do wonder which the D-pad is more similar to, the GP2X F-200's or to the PSP's? :huh:
It looks good for $100. Nice small and light. the promotional material stressed a few times that is is better because there is no emulators and homebrew. Kinda makes it a different market than the people who read this forum. The concept is almost too hard for me to comprehand.

Since they bothered to make an english version of the PDF there must be plans to sell to English customers, but I don't see any distributors? Do you have any plans. The korean one looks fine for me because I am learning Korean, but I just know I'll get 10 minutes into it and giveup, just focus on the flashy lights.

So all in all, I might grab one next time I'm in Seoul and impulsive.
Their sales pitch got me.

(...)the position of the speaker is the back side of the player so sometimes it can be blocked by user's hand according to how they hold the player, and the material on the front side is easy to get fingerprints left on it.

However, they save that one by basically saying "well, we didn't solve the problems, but at least we're not the only ones having them." - great :D

Also it seems that at the moment there are very few games (which I read as "pretty much the five we give you for free") and that "later" more companies will provide games. Yep.

Seriously... what does this sports car, I mean portable gaming thingamajig, have to do with the GP32? Is homebrew possible?
Also, the hotmail address is pure genius.

I certainly wish you all the luck in the world, but I personally am not convinced to buy one.
So if it doesn't have emulators, why does the screenshot of that one game say "INSERT COIN"? :unsure:
I talked to one of their reps yesterday and the device sounds pretty good.

slaanesh said:
If homebrew is possible on it I think it would be pretty good. It reminds me of the GP-KIDs but with bumped up specs.

I bet that it's pretty cheap, it would have to be to compete with the likes of GP2X, PSP and NDS.

But the bottom line is - Homebrew? SDK available?

EDIT: I've looked through the webpage (all korean) but I have found mention of an SDK so perhaps it is homebrewable?

Also, I've found some places selling it. It looks to be around US$100.00

Not bad really?
They plan to provide a free SDK for developers. At the moment there isn't one available.

The unit should be around $100.

Mosch said:
Also it seems that at the moment there are very few games (which I read as "pretty much the five we give you for free") and that "later" more companies will provide games. Yep.

Seriously... what does this sports car, I mean portable gaming thingamajig, have to do with the GP32? Is homebrew possible?
Also, the hotmail address is pure genius.

I certainly wish you all the luck in the world, but I personally am not convinced to buy one.
The commercial games right now are distributed at Right now there are only two games that are in English but more games will be translated into English in the coming months.

They said that the console supports flash based games and many simple ones can already be played on the console without any modifications. This should add a plethora of games to play.

I ordered some units to see how the features are and how I like it. From what I was told, the unit sounds very promising and if everything works as told then i'll try to carry it on my store. Hopefully i'll get to play with it next week. :)
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Jr2swiss said:
I ordered some units to see how the features are and how I like it. From what I was told, the unit sounds very promising and if everything works as told then i'll try to carry it on my store. Hopefully i'll get to play with it next week. :)
Cool :) Seems really to be a nice little toy to carry along to play some games and listen to some music. If price is around 80~90€, shipping included, I'll certainly be tempted. Some of these flash games seem fun :)
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Jr2swiss said:
They plan to provide a free SDK for developers. At the moment there isn't one available.


The commercial games right now are distributed at Right now there are only two games that are in English but more games will be translated into English in the coming months.

They said that the console supports flash based games and many simple ones can already be played on the console without any modifications. This should add a plethora of games to play.

I ordered some units to see how the features are and how I like it. From what I was told, the unit sounds very promising and if everything works as told then i'll try to carry it on my store. Hopefully i'll get to play with it next week. :)

Now HERE's some stuff that would have worked in favour of this review. This actually sounds a lot better than their information.
However how is "developers" defined? Anybody who asks? Is there a signing process or something?
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Tell us when you have it for sale.

The product seems to come with a bunch of Korean games. The english version should come with atleast as many English games, or sell for a cheaper price.

I don't mind actually getting the Korean version if it is available.
Nice toy, and with shoulder buttons that time B)

But the screen is way too small for me.
I got the device today and overall i'm pretty impressed with it. I'm going to do a overview of the device hopefully later this week. In the meantime do you guys have any questions that you want me to address?
I don't like that they're passing off their own publication as a review. Would like to see something third party (and with less broken English).

A big part of the review is in trying to scare people away from platforms that can emulate things, which I doubt is going to be a very effective tactic. Emulators are a driving force of sales without really needing to be a major part of marketing, unless the platform is closed. If you compare GP2X F200, it actually comes bundled with more games and has more commercially available (for now, and just barely). The number of free games developed for the system is also a lot higher, as well as other applications.

Button based d-pad doesn't look promising, but then again it seems like everything from China or Korea is doing that this these days. Speakers on the back is just ridiculous. It's unclear what kind of movie playback it supports, but since it's being pushed as a game machine it probably has no support hardware for this and therefore H.264 is out. Lithium-Ion battery is good, but the capacity is low, so it might not have great battery life. I'm guessing it charges over USB like a cell phone does, meaning you have to plug it in the side which is bad (but same as GP2X).

Games sold at appear to be only 2500 Korean Won (with a few only 1500), which seems to convert to a measly $2.64. Someone tell me if I'm making a mistake here. I'm not really sure what to make of this, maybe this is largely due to economic differences and benefits of not having to package + distribute but I don't expect a tremendous amount of quality from such massively cheap games.

It's good that they're promoting independent commercial games, but I don't think they're going to push a platform, especially not without exclusives. Support for flash is good, but I question how fast flash can be on a relatively weak device like this.
Thanks, I'm looking forward to your review. I'm quite intrested myself. I'm sure there will be a lot of questions following your review.
Jr2swiss said:
In the meantime do you guys have any questions that you want me to address?
Will it blend?
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Jr2swiss said:
I got the device today and overall i'm pretty impressed with it. I'm going to do a overview of the device hopefully later this week. In the meantime do you guys have any questions that you want me to address?
1. Battery life?
2. Is the D-pad comfortable?
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Exophase said:
I don't like that they're passing off their own publication as a review. Would like to see something third party (and with less broken English).
It's fairly standard practice in Korea to be dodgy.

Looking forwards to the REAL review.
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