New F200 Owner - Great Machine!


Feb 2, 2008
Hello people!
Have been reading this forum for a while now with great interest. I have played with emulation on my symbian phone N73 (picodrive is great)!
I finally took the plunge this week and invested in an F200. This is a top machine, wish i had invested sooner, ive almost filled my 1GB mem card already.
Got picodrive, pocketsnes, and pcengine, alexkidd2x and nes emus running perfectly! Being an 80's child I am lovin it! Cant fault R-Type on pcengine!! B)

Anyway, can anyone help with these few questions?

1.Can u get spare stylus'? (mine didnt come with one)

2.Screen protectors? has anyone got any ideas for f200?

3.GPmenu2x - file explorer wont work, screen just goes blank..?
I cant seem to get the sections (shoulder button ones)along the top to work...where do i need to put the emu's, games, etc? Ive tried putting them in "sections" folder...but nothing shows in the menu..

As far as Mame, Neo Geo emulation goes..i havent quite figured them out yet!

Thanks in advance guys! :)
A stylus of whatever tactile machine will work. Ask for a PDA stylus in your local hardware store.

GMenu2x was designed for F100. One of the differences is that the F200 formware does not include a file explorer, so ignore or remove that button because it does not work in the F200. Place your emus and games in the folder that you want (as a piece of advice, outside the gmenu2x folder), then navigate to section in Gmenu2x and press Select: you can add a new link or even look for all applications installed in your machine. If you want new sections, create a folder in the section folder of gmenu2x.
As far as a screen protector goes I've ordered some form here but I haven't received them yet so I can't comment on the quality at the moment. I chose these because they are glue-free protectors, I think using a protector that uses adhesive may damage the touchscreen when you need to remove it.

As a temporary measure I've been using acetate sheets cut to the screen size and they seem to work well, it doesn't scratch easily and is inexpensive - 50p a sheet and you get at least 10 protectors out of it.
Mine came with a screen protector which I still have to cut too size. As for GMenu2x not working, before you do anything format your SD card. My computer (WinXP SP2) screwed it up but now having formatted it everything works like a charm.
Any stylus will work, although you wouldn't get a kick-ass retractible chrome one like the one provided with the F-200.

GPmenu2x doesn't work at all on my F-200, you're lucky if you got it to work even a bit.

As for screen protectors, I would suggest Nintendo DS screen protectors, but the DS's screen is about 20% smaller than the 2X's screen, so those are out. I'd go with the link the guy a couple posts back provided.
Excellent guys. Thanks for your help and advice!
Cheers for the link Ruckage, just ordered 4!
Have ordered a set of stylus's from an auction site too!

Has FBA2x got a readme?? I cant seem to find it?? am i being blind!?
You could check my Compatibility List for FBA2X, but it's still for Beta 6. I haven't gotten around to updating it yet. :P
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Yeah ive already scoured your compat list ; ) cheers!
Any recommendations??
Playing Alien vs Predator, donpachi, cadillac&dino's and metal slug!!!
Respect to the creator!!!
Is the dedicated cps2 emu better than this?
I cant seem to get the neogeo emu working...
cd78 said:
Is the dedicated cps2 emu better than this?
I cant seem to get the neogeo emu working...
CPS2emu is still much better at the moment in terms of emulator features, but FBA2X has the advantage of running ROMs without the need of cache files. FBA2X can also play 2 games (Choko & Jyangokushi) that CPS2emu cannot. ;)

As for running NeoGeo, you need to have the "" that contains the BIOS files in the roms folder as well. If it still doesn't work, it could be that the ROM set you have is not formatted properly.
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cd78 said:
I cant seem to get the neogeo emu working...
Hold on, I just noticed it. Were you refering to GnGeo2x or FBA2X? :o

The comment I gave before was for running NeoGeo games in FBA2X. :rolleyes:
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cd78 said:
Hello people!
Have been reading this forum for a while now with great interest. I have played with emulation on my symbian phone N73 (picodrive is great)!
I finally took the plunge this week and invested in an F200. This is a top machine, wish i had invested sooner, ive almost filled my 1GB mem card already.
Got picodrive, pocketsnes, and pcengine, alexkidd2x and nes emus running perfectly! Being an 80's child I am lovin it! Cant fault R-Type on pcengine!! B)

Anyway, can anyone help with these few questions?

1.Can u get spare stylus'? (mine didnt come with one)

2.Screen protectors? has anyone got any ideas for f200?

3.GPmenu2x - file explorer wont work, screen just goes blank..?
I cant seem to get the sections (shoulder button ones)along the top to work...where do i need to put the emu's, games, etc? Ive tried putting them in "sections" folder...but nothing shows in the menu..

As far as Mame, Neo Geo emulation goes..i havent quite figured them out yet!

Thanks in advance guys! :)

I have a spare one, you are welcome to it. I found a stylus and like it better. This one is ok, but doesn't feel right with me, telescoping. I am a newbie too. This was a birthday present for Jan 28. I would love to know a little programming.
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I was referring to gngeo2x... cant seem to get it working.
FinalBurn seems to be running a good few NeoGeo games anyway..

FrankP - thanks for the offer for the stylus, but ive just ordered a pack! Cheers anyway! B)