Internal Development
Ahoy my friends,
I've just gotten an F-200 from our friends at GPH. (Watch for touchscreen outcast and so on coming soon
First thing I noticed -- the volume is out of control. The boot (firmware 4) clip is loud enough to wake the baby across the house; turning the volume to minimum (the point just prior to it disabling audio altogether) is still too loud to be comfortable playing audio at all. (I didn't try shooting it to max, should try.) Any workaround to globally reduce it, short of my building a new kernel? (I'm rather hoping to keep it on the regular firmware for dev and testing sake.)
Second thing I noticed.. screen is really nice; reminds me of the BLU .. sharp! I seem to recall a year back people had some gamma issue and there was a workaround, so I'll have to dig through and see if that was an f-200 thing or not; all this continued sleep dep from the baby has destroyed my memory banks, for sure
I'll have to give it a look but third thing I noticed in my total of 30sec toying with it .. no stylus holder slot? meh.
Anyway, just in time for the Pandora looks like I'll be having more free time for dev again, so life is good
I've just gotten an F-200 from our friends at GPH. (Watch for touchscreen outcast and so on coming soon
First thing I noticed -- the volume is out of control. The boot (firmware 4) clip is loud enough to wake the baby across the house; turning the volume to minimum (the point just prior to it disabling audio altogether) is still too loud to be comfortable playing audio at all. (I didn't try shooting it to max, should try.) Any workaround to globally reduce it, short of my building a new kernel? (I'm rather hoping to keep it on the regular firmware for dev and testing sake.)
Second thing I noticed.. screen is really nice; reminds me of the BLU .. sharp! I seem to recall a year back people had some gamma issue and there was a workaround, so I'll have to dig through and see if that was an f-200 thing or not; all this continued sleep dep from the baby has destroyed my memory banks, for sure
I'll have to give it a look but third thing I noticed in my total of 30sec toying with it .. no stylus holder slot? meh.
Anyway, just in time for the Pandora looks like I'll be having more free time for dev again, so life is good