New Angstrom Qemu Package (exe)


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Translation (I love auto translations):
Already some time ago, there was the possibility of the operating system of Pandora using QEMU to test. But unfortunately, this test was extremely complicated and hardly what did it! That is why I now have a package put together, which not all Linux geeks "testing very easy to make.

Download the file and unpack it (even extractive!)
Run the unzipped folder "angstrom" the file "Start.bat" and lean 1-2 minutes.
Now just login:

User: gast
Password: gast

And that's the whole charm ;)


I'm grabbing it now, not sure what to expect yet. Worthy of a post on our blog maybe?
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Sure, I'd say put it up. Interestingly enough, I've never seen today.openpandora
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No? I rip news from there all the time. :lol: It's a mutual thing though.

[edit] It is good. So painless, just click and run.

Note, username/password is gast/gast
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I`ve downloaded and rehosted it, so that people can download quickly without hammering ED`s servers. My connection from California was really slow (from distance or because of many people downloading, I don`t know).

I`m not afraid of no bandwidth, either, so feel free to download. :D



username: gast
password: gast

I expect this to expedite the development of my Wikidora (Dorapedia?) project.
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Nice one. Do you mind if I link that on ze blog? It'll probably get a couple of hundred hits at most.

(Looking forward to your wiki project btw. It will be good if this helps you out.)
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'Gruso' said:
Nice one. Do you mind if I link that on ze blog? It'll probably get a couple of hundred hits at most.

(Looking forward to your wiki project btw. It will be good if this helps you out.)
No problem. If my site can handle having that Pepsi logo design document linked to by most of the Internet, then it can handle a 100MB file linked to the blog. :)

Oh, and thanks! I also plan to use my website to distribute the database dumps, so we'll see if my hosting provider asks me to stop after that. :P
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Well, I think I have QEMU on here, but if it's an executable it'll be in WINE.

What's this WikiDora thing? Is it like a portable offline Wikipedia thing? Sounds cool.
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Nice :)

The thing kind of runs in wine under Linux too, but for those of us who are too lazy to set things up ourselves (or at least too lazy to hammer on any initial problems), this .exe version is great as a shortcut for a real Linux setup too. Here's how:

[Linux setup:]
- Make sure you have a modern arm-capable qemu installed. The one in Debian sid (and possibly Lenny) will do just nicely.
- Run 'wine angstrom.qemu.exe'. This will just unpack files into an Angstroem directory.
- Look at 'Angstroem/Start.bat'. Just change 'qemu-system-arm.exe' to 'qemu-system-arm' (unless your qemu executable is differently named), then run the script with 'sh'.
- You can get rid of everything in the Angstroem directory except for the hdd.img and kernel.bin files.
- Voila.
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Running a program in angstrom in qemu in wine in linux?
Someone should try running a program in Win3.1 in DosBox in angstrom in qemu in wine in linux. Woah! My head asplode!
>Running a program in angstrom in qemu in wine in linux?

Well yeah, that's possible, but my post explained how to run it directly (no wine) in Linux, just extracting (and that's where I used wine) and using the nice pre-prepared kernel and angstrom images in the windows package.
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You don't even need Wine to unpack the file. It's just a 7zip self-extracting program. Some guy on the unofficial blog posted it. Just run "7z x angstrom.qemu.exe"
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'Tor' said:
Nice :)

The thing kind of runs in wine under Linux too, but for those of us who are too lazy to set things up ourselves (or at least too lazy to hammer on any initial problems), this .exe version is great as a shortcut for a real Linux setup too. Here's how:

[Linux setup:]
- Make sure you have a modern arm-capable qemu installed. The one in Debian sid (and possibly Lenny) will do just nicely.
- Run 'wine angstrom.qemu.exe'. This will just unpack files into an Angstroem directory.
- Look at 'Angstroem/Start.bat'. Just change 'qemu-system-arm.exe' to 'qemu-system-arm' (unless your qemu executable is differently named), then run the script with 'sh'.
- You can get rid of everything in the Angstroem directory except for the hdd.img and kernel.bin files.
- Voila.

I tried it on one of my linux box and it's working fine. (ubuntu 8.10).

I really can't agree with the idea of distributing this in a self extracting .exe file though.
I am sure the person who created this had good intention but a zip file would have been a lot better. Who can't extract a .zip file ?

Actually I pretty sure there is a way to extract 7zip self-extracting .exe in linux. Have to search a little though, forgot how to do it.
(edit: too late, somebody posted the how to do it above. I am too slow !)
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I know. The point of my post was to convince someone to build some form of Rube Goldberg-esque machine. :P
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Yeah, I expected there would be another way to unpack it in Linux, but I only checked if it could be unpacked with unzip - and it could not. In the olden days self-extracting .exe files used to be zipped files and I never bothered to check what they use these days. So, 7zip? That is available for most Linux distros I think.
Running fine on my Linux machine, looking great! I look forward to seeing this on my Pandora. I laughed when I found that the only game on there was ScummVM :D
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Hate to dig up a grave, but have there been any updates an this? The Online Image Builder for Angstrom has been maturing, and it'd be great if a smarter person than I made an updated .img (with Firefox?) to use in qemu. Or better yet, gave instructions on how to convert an image created online to one usable in qemu. I'm dying to see how pages render on the real OS, and to see the difference in windows managers firsthand. Thanks in advance, anonymous helper!
Argh megabump!

It would actually be pretty cool to have an updated version with XFCE & Firefox. It would give many patient customers something to toy with.

Anyone up for it?
sorry, never seen this topic before.

this means you can run the "pandora os" on a windows pc?

if it is so, i want the latest build!