Probably just a result of lack of experimental training. These things usually come out of universities or even worse, tech startups, in terms of male bias at least. The same thing is currently something of a issue in the medical sciences; most drugs and remedies are only tested on male subjects, and usually young male ones at that in the early stages, and anything that doesn't work on those is discarded, ignoring the fact that females or old folks may well respond differently.
Edit: Fixing quoting furniture, hopefully
You want to go there? Ok. The alleged preferential medical treatment and research for men is a fraud. In the USA, women's diseases get over double the research money as male-specific ones. Women get more and more expensive treatment as well.
As to early drug testing differences: Here is
why that happened:
"In 1977 the FDA issued guidelines that
specifically excluded women with "childbearing potential" from phase 1 and early phase 2 studies; they were to be included in late phase 2 and phase 3 trials in proportion to their expected use of the medication. FDA surveys conducted in 1983 and 1988 showed that the two sexes had been proportionally represented in clinical trials by the time drugs were approved for release.
The 1977 guidelines codified a policy already informally in effect since the thalidomide tragedy shocked the world in 1962. The births of armless or otherwise deformed babies in that era dramatically highlighted the special risks incurred when fertile women ingest drugs. So
the policy of excluding such women from the early phases of drug testing arose out of concern, not out of disregard, for them."
Male and Female humans share the same biochemistry. Differences due to hormonal factors exist, but are exceedingly minor. The main biological difference is pregnancy, and that is a legitimate reason to protect the unborn from testing risks.
EDIT: Now that this false claim derailing the thread has been dealt with:
Levi's inability to identify the synthesized voices as imitating Obama, Trump and Clinton's may be an indication of some degree of
The social ramifications of high quality speech emulation are vast. In Germany, many elderly people are victims of the 'enkeltrick', where they are called by criminals pretending to be a relative in desperate need of money. With voice emulation, such crimes (and far greater ones) become more feasible.
Voice recordings may soon become challengeable in court. Youtube videos of dissident speech could be altered.
The impact of this technology WILL BE huge.