Nethack And Stick Click


Jul 16, 2006
Hi all,

As I love NetHack, I'd like to play it a lot more I constraint myself because I don't want my stick to wear out... So, DZZ, would it be possible to add the shortcut vol+ & vol- to stick click cause search is very importent.

If this possible I'd be grateful,
BTW, thanks for your Great Port :D

I second your request. Search is a huge part of that game and I feel like i'm killing my gp2x clicking so much.
Nethack is the best GP2X game. :)

Speaking of stick-click, it'd be very nice if you could rest (L+stick) for a specified amount of turns, like you can in PC nethack by pressing, say, n100. to rest 100 turns (or until something interrupts you).

And now while I'm at it, there are a couple of issues I've noticed when playing the (exceptionally well done!) GP2X port.

1) there's no kind of cursor around player - makes wearing, say, a cloak of invisibility a pain
2) text input sometimes doesn't work (haven't figured yet out what causes this) - sometimes you can't name an object or monster, the game will act as if you entered nothing - this will occasionally also render wishes, scrolls of genocide and magic markers unusable.
3) player does seem to lose a turn when saving - this doesn't happen in PC port.

Also, the hilite_pet option found at least in the X11 graphical version would be nice. And the hpmon patch too. ;)

Has anyone grabbed the source and looked if it would be difficult to make a port of SLASH'EM? I have no idea about how difficult this would actually, it just came to my mind.
By the way, what has happened to dzz?
I haven't read a post of him the last months and his bejeweled clone hasn't made any (public) progress.
I still don't understand this paranoia... and what is the point in trying to conserver something if you don't want to use it...
Yes the stick-click might eventually wear out... big deal... so might the tyres on your car... etc.