Advanced Member
I remember, NeoGeo games were costing up to (translated) ~200€ back then so these 20 Games that are included sound like a good deal...I'd consider this if it were the entire Neo-Geo catalog, but 20 games...
I remember, NeoGeo games were costing up to (translated) ~200€ back then so these 20 Games that are included sound like a good deal...I'd consider this if it were the entire Neo-Geo catalog, but 20 games...
Except their probably just on some random emulator that's probably not even optimized for the neo geo xI remember, NeoGeo games were costing up to (translated) ~200€ back then so these 20 Games that are included sound like a good deal...I'd consider this if it were the entire Neo-Geo catalog, but 20 games.../>
Can you link to any of the reviews that point the above out.Instant fail for Blaze. It's getting really crap reviews for video, audio and even game quality - some games are even missing intros etc.
How and why do they keep releasing shit like this?
I wonder how they manage to get all these gaming licenses and how much it costs.Blaze are intrinsically shite.
Some good reviews there.I should have stated that my comment was based on chit-chat over on the Jamma+ forum, which may or may not be accurate.
However here is an Amazon review - http://www.amazon.com/review/R3R4TOZ1OO8J9V/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R3R4TOZ1OO8J9V make of it what you will, as all reviews are subjective anyway. A more positive review also mentions problems, including lack of high scores, no save features, poor HDMI output and screen-tearing, cheap feel etc. - http://www.amazon.com/review/R3LWZ0D5FHTEV5/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R3LWZ0D5FHTEV5
It sounds like they got a lot right, but messed up in other areas.
Does anyone have one of these to look through the manual? It may say "games licensed from".I wonder how they manage to get all these gaming licenses and how much it costs.Blaze are intrinsically shite.
Imagine we could include these games officially with the Pandora... it does a way better job emulating.